Clothes padding

I got caught out in public by my wife

So I decided that I was going out padded in public today while my wife was at work. Nothing too extreme for the first time, but just enough to look like I had a good size beer gut. I put a compression shirt on, and used a wadded up hoodie with a small ankle weight in the front pocket to give it a more realistic look and feel. I placed it under the compression shirt, and made it look real as possible with a small bounce. While I was in the store, she came up behind me and asked what I was getting. I was extremely nervous to turn around, but I didn't have a choice not too. When I did turn around, she looked down and saw my fake beer gut. Her eyes were big, and asked me what I was doing. She then asked if it was my plan to be that big, and walked out the store looking confused. She knows that I like her big and wouldn't mind if she got bigger, but I haven't mentioned anything to her about me wanting to get bigger or anything about padding. Never thought I would get caught by my wife out in town, just thought it would be someone else that caught me. Now I'm sitting at home waiting for her to get back from work.
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

So I decided that I was going out padded in public today while my wife was at work. Nothing too extreme for the first time, but just enough to look like I had a good size beer gut. I put a compression shirt on, and used a wadded up hoodie with a small ankle weight in the front pocket to give it a more realistic look and feel. I placed it under the compression shirt, and made it look real as possible with a small bounce. While I was in the store, she came up behind me and asked what I was getting. I was extremely nervous to turn around, but I didn't have a choice not too. When I did turn around, she looked down and saw my fake beer gut. Her eyes were big, and asked me what I was doing. She then asked if it was my plan to be that big, and walked out the store looking confused. She knows that I like her big and wouldn't mind if she got bigger, but I haven't mentioned anything to her about me wanting to get bigger or anything about padding. Never thought I would get caught by my wife out in town, just thought it would be someone else that caught me. Now I'm sitting at home waiting for her to get back from work.
omgggg!!! I would die 😭 😩
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Hoping for a positive update...
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Oh wow!! That's awkward indeed! It would be even more awkward for me as I pad female 😬😬😬

Good luck!!
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

So a little update. We talked about it when she came home, and I really couldn't explain why I like to pad my clothes to look fat. I told her that I have been padding since I was a kid, and I enjoy the feeling of it. Not really too sure how to explain it to someone. She also asked if that was how big I wanted to get, and I told her I wanted to get bigger than that once I retire in 4 years. She just told me she doesn't want to know when I pad my clothes and to keep it to myself for now. If I could find a way to explain it to her, I think she would be able to understand it better. On the good note, she said she wouldn't mind me getting bigger after I retire, but she doesn't want me to get too big so that it becomes a problem. I totally respect what she said. I just wish I could explain this situation better to you guys, but I'm not really good at writing.
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Oh wow!! That's awkward indeed! It would be even more awkward for me as I pad female 😬😬😬

Good luck!!

Yea, I couldn't imagine explaining your situation. However, she probably wouldn't have noticed you since you pad as a female. I couldn't get away with it because I'm pretty tall.
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Does she know there is a community out there that also likes the same thing?? Would that help her understand?

I am in the same boat as you... It's hard to explain to your spouse!
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Does she know there is a community out there that also likes the same thing?? Would that help her understand?

I am in the same boat as you... It's hard to explain to your spouse!

She is aware of this community, but kind of freaked out when I showed her years ago. I just recently got her accepting her size again, and possibly growing bigger. The way she says it, "let's see how nature takes it's course". So i don't really want to bring this community up again to her.

Yea, it's still really difficult to explain why I like to pad my clothes to look fatter. Not sure if there will ever be a way to explain it to her. I might just have to secretly go about the way I have been.
9 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

So my wife actually took it really well.

I've been pretty open about my love for fatter bodies, and that I'd personally love to be super fat if there weren't any health complications. My dream scenario is if I could somehow be obese for a day, a week, etc and then (magically) go back to my current weight.

So padding up is basically the compromise. I can be "fat" for a bit without actually committing. Indulge the fantasy w/o going to the trouble of gaining.

Framing it like this might help you or any others in this thread
8 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

So my wife actually took it really well.

I've been pretty open about my love for fatter bodies, and that I'd personally love to be super fat if there weren't any health complications. My dream scenario is if I could somehow be obese for a day, a week, etc and then (magically) go back to my current weight.

So padding up is basically the compromise. I can be "fat" for a bit without actually committing. Indulge the fantasy w/o going to the trouble of gaining.

Framing it like this might help you or any others in this thread

That's a great idea, I will have to try that when things settle down. Thanks for the advice.
8 months