Fattening others

Soft feeding ideas

Probably my biggest comfy fantasy is having a feeder/feedee picnic outdoors, with a basket full of all their favorites, maybe some wine, compete with talking, joking and cuddling on the blanket out in the outdoors.

For solo ideas: I'm a feeder not a feedee, but even I like this: pamper yourself with snacks in the bath. I used to do this when I worked mornings, I'd just grab my breakfast and eat it in the bathtub, and it was usually something basic like a poptart or a toaster waffle, and I'd do it for time economy rather than enjoyment, but I did enjoy it. I would imagine myself somewhere fancier, with waitstaff or something to bring me my breakfast in the bath instead of the run-down apartment I actually live in, and sometimes...sometimes that got me through the fkin day.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

Probably my biggest comfy fantasy is having a feeder/feedee picnic outdoors, with a basket full of all their favorites, maybe some wine, compete with talking, joking and cuddling on the blanket out in the outdoors.

For solo ideas: I'm a feeder not a feedee, but even I like this: pamper yourself with snacks in the bath. I used to do this when I worked mornings, I'd just grab my breakfast and eat it in the bathtub, and it was usually something basic like a poptart or a toaster waffle, and I'd do it for time economy rather than enjoyment, but I did enjoy it. I would imagine myself somewhere fancier, with waitstaff or something to bring me my breakfast in the bath instead of the run-down apartment I actually live in, and sometimes...sometimes that got me through the fkin day.

I had a really lovely time with a friend many years ago feeding them strawberry ice cream while they took a bath. We talked and relaxed until the water got too cold and the ice cream had lost its magic. Not a bad way to spend an evening.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

Movie night snuggles while hand feeding him treats.

Cooking his favorite meal and giving him several plates.

Classic belly stuffing while massaging his belly.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

getting extra “just in case” or “for later” but it ends up being just eaten all in one ravenously gluttonous sitting
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

Making love while hand feeding them can be gentle.
If you include stuff outside the home, there are some fun feedee date ideas.
Fast food crawls, where you order something at every drive-through along a route.
Buffet dates are a classic.
Order the entire dessert menu at a restaurant.
Order something at every restaurant in a mall food court.
I'd suggest ordering something from every food truck in an area, but I think that's more of a Portland thing. You get the idea.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

"Blind Taste Test"

1. Feeder prepares a bunch of various comfort foods/desserts

2. Blindfolded Feedee sits in a reclined and comfy position. Bonus if there is some music on that sets whatever mood you're going for - elegant, seductive, relaxing, etc.

3. Feeder serves one forkful at a time, with time to assess and discuss with Feedee the flavors and experience of eating the food.

4. As the Feedee starts to identify favorites, the Feeder can go back to those foods for seconds, thirds, fourths, etc.

5. Extra bonus - if this activity happens to set a particularly amorous mood, then Feedee discovers naked Feeder when the blindfold is removed.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

An scenario I've though about, with a feeder POV:
Having lunch/dinner with a big guy and me not feeling like finishing my portion, which happens often. When he is done with his, sitting on his lap and gently feeding him all that's left on my plate.
10 months

Soft feeding ideas

I think it'd be adorable to arrive home a d be surprised by a "mini-bake sale". There would be a whole bunch of different baked goods arranged on the table with little price tags.

The feeder plays it off like they are running a practice bake sale, and they need their feedee to provide input about each of the products and if the prices are set accordingly. "Here - try these gooey brownies. Would you pay $5 each for them?"

The feedee has to provide input about each dish and of course sample them all... multiple times.
9 months

Soft feeding ideas

This thread really is fantastic.

As much as I love the idea of encouraging overeating with belly rubs, I think a good soft feeding scenario involves allll of the rubs.

A deep back massage while eating, slowly up the back and neck, to the head and temples. Melting away the day’s stress, and mellowing the mood to total comfort and relaxation. A little feedist twist would involve the feeder’s hands only working while the feedee is eating. An endless massage fueled by gluttony, slowly turning the feedee into a stuffed, relaxed puddle.
9 months

Soft feeding ideas

This thread really is fantastic.

As much as I love the idea of encouraging overeating with belly rubs, I think a good soft feeding scenario involves allll of the rubs.

A deep back massage while eating, slowly up the back and neck, to the head and temples. Melting away the day’s stress, and mellowing the mood to total comfort and relaxation. A little feedist twist would involve the feeder’s hands only working while the feedee is eating. An endless massage fueled by gluttony, slowly turning the feedee into a stuffed, relaxed puddle.

This sounds delightful. I'll have to try this with my partner.
9 months
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