Fattening others

Dream size for your love

Over 400 pounds. She would be fat and happy with herself and likes to feed me as well
9 months

Dream size for your love

For me, it's less about the size and more about the mentality. Whether a person is class 3 morbidly obese or underweight, if they feel sexy and get turned on by fat, weight gain, and/or getting someone else fat - then they are the perfect size in my book.

I've dated all different sized people - including someone who was severely underweight, but was completely sexually confident with their size and were WAY into weight gain. I truly felt like that person was perfectly-sized. Another I dated was beautifully fat with a gorgeous fat belly, love handles, squeezable fat arms and even a cute double-chin just beginning to make an appearance. But they HATED it, and detested themselves, and no amount of positive reinforcement from me would change their mind, so.... NOT perfectly-sized. smiley
9 months

Dream size for your love

For me, it's less about the size and more about the mentality. Whether a person is class 3 morbidly obese or underweight, if they feel sexy and get turned on by fat, weight gain, and/or getting someone else fat - then they are the perfect size in my book.

I've dated all different sized people - including someone who was severely underweight, but was completely sexually confident with their size and were WAY into weight gain. I truly felt like that person was perfectly-sized. Another I dated was beautifully fat with a gorgeous fat belly, love handles, squeezable fat arms and even a cute double-chin just beginning to make an appearance. But they HATED it, and detested themselves, and no amount of positive reinforcement from me would change their mind, so.... NOT perfectly-sized. smiley

Great point. I think one of the other threads on here talks about this, maybe not as successfully, but self image and accepting how you look is so heart wrenching for some people, and for the people in their lives who wish they could see how beautiful/handsome they are through someone else’s eyes. It’s very complex.
9 months

Dream size for your love

Dream size.... My wife has these tan shorts. When she first got them many years ago they were ridiculous large on her. She would only wear them around the house. Now they fit snug on her.

I've told her those shorts will fit like booty shorts next summer. That's my dream size for her.
9 months

Dream size for your love

Personally the dream size for my love, would be anything that isn't immobility size.
Not my cup of tea, but I could see why it would be attractive.
I'm more into seeing a woman go from thin to fat, watching as her clothes get tighter and tighter.
But still able to get around without the need of a scooter.
Watching her walking around freely while jiggling every step is just...
9 months

Dream size for your love

I have no “dream size”. What really matters to me is that they have the psychology of the explorer for what is ultimately our journey into ourselves.
9 months
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