
Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m a pretty hairy guy but one thing I notice as I put on weight is that the surface area of my body expands my hair doesn’t keep up as fast so I have areas where I’ve grown that are fleshy and smooth and older areas covered in hair. I will never shave my body hair that’s for certain it would be to much maintaince and also when you shave hair comes back thicker and denser

Fun fact! Shaving does not make your hair thicker or denser. Instead, the way your hair is cut gives the illusion that it's thicker and denser.

Normally, your hair tapers off towards the ends. Like so:


However, when you shave, you cut the hair where it is thickest. So, when it grows, it appears thicker:

That said, over time, normal wear and tear on your hair will give it that tapered look again.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Thanks for posting that xD

Also something i was thinking:

Humans have a set amount (number) of hair. It doesn't change (at least not noticeably) with age or size. So that means that if their length remains more or less the same, then when the skin (that has a set number of them anyway) stretches, expands, the density of the hair drops a lot. So the bigger a belly gets, the less hairy it will look as it grows!
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Thanks for posting that xD

Also something i was thinking:

Humans have a set amount (number) of hair. It doesn't change (at least not noticeably) with age or size. So that means that if their length remains more or less the same, then when the skin (that has a set number of them anyway) stretches, expands, the density of the hair drops a lot. So the bigger a belly gets, the less hairy it will look as it grows!

This is mostly correct. It is possible (common, even) to lose body hair with age. This is usually a sign of poor circulation or hormonal imbalance.

It's also possible to gain unwanted body hair as you gain due to hormonal imbalances. It doesn't change the number of follicles, but it makes the hair thicker and longer.

But yes. As your skin expands the less dense your body hair becomes.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

hmm interesting for sure this explains the smoothness of expansive areas i tend to store fat, and newer parts of the overhang. I didn’t know.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Morbidly A Beast:
hmm interesting for sure this explains the smoothness of expansive areas i tend to store fat, and newer parts of the overhang. I didn’t know.

Yup. On the flip side, as you lose weight, you might look hairier.

My partner has always been fuzzy. However, he's looking fuzzier since he's been losing weight. He hasn't grown more hair follicles. Instead, there's less space between them.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Thank you for dispelling this misinformation. I recently saw a doctor who tried to convince me that I gave myself hirsutism from choosing to shave. Argh!

Ma'am, you probably have PCOS or idiopathic hirsutism. Fire your doctor. That doctor is too stupid to breathe.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Everyone's belly, no matter the color, gender, shape, size, hairness, blemished, or anything, is valid and beautiful!
That being said, the only one I personally have a preference for both male and female that I can appreciate more on a personal level is a soft smooth belly. Whether it's tight or squishy is irrelevant, though I like it more ball-like than with rolls.
I do not find any bellies ugly, but there are some that I can just vibe with a lot easier than others because they are more my type.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Ma'am, you probably have PCOS or idiopathic hirsutism. Fire your doctor. That doctor is too stupid to breathe.

I mean that doctor did order the labs I needed (which came back fine). But yeah, it was sloppy to bring in an old wives' tale like that.

Glad your labs came back okay. 💖
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Everyone's belly, no matter the color, gender, shape, size, hairness, blemished, or anything, is valid and beautiful!
That being said, the only one I personally have a preference for both male and female that I can appreciate more on a personal level is a soft smooth belly. Whether it's tight or squishy is irrelevant, though I like it more ball-like than with rolls.
I do not find any bellies ugly, but there are some that I can just vibe with a lot easier than others because they are more my type.

Well, i understand that this comes from a good place, but i find bizarre this way of trying to appreciate a belly! Let me explain:
No belly is beautiful. For the same reason nothing in this world is beautiful, or ugly. That's not a property of objects, but an idea in our heads! We think it! It's us, who find things beautiful or ugly! And if there are many (different) opinions, some will find it beautiful, others indifferent, and some will think it's ugly.

My point is that this is neither a way to appreciate people's individuality, because it contradicts itself (by way of assuming that we all have or we all ought to have the same, set way of thinking)

We have to come up with something better than this!

For example things don't owe us to be beautiful. The first step to trully appreciate a belly on the basis of beauty, is to realize it's right to not be beautiful! And it's then that you can appreciate the relationship between the object (in this case the belly) and the person who finds it beautiful!! That's far more radical! Not only it is much more liberating, but it's liberating on more dimensions too! If you want to gain or loose weight, because you have a desire to have a certain body, different to the one you got, it liberates you from hating your body for not being beautiful, because it simply doesn't owe anyone that! But it also doesn't force you into believing that your body is in fact beautiful or ugly, because it's neither! But you have the freedom to like it or dislike it! You can find it beautiful or ugly! Or even be indifferent! Nobody else can force that *you should* find it beautiful, or ugly. But simultaneously they also can have their opinion, and you don't have to view it in the same way!! You can talk about it if you want, that whould be cool if it is done in a productive way, but you could also not, if you don't want to!

Note that this doesn't make harassment acceptable tho, constructive discussion is one thing. Harassment is something different and stupid!

I hope this came out clearly! And im really curious, what do you think? Feel free to criticize what i said!
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Everyone's belly, no matter the color, gender, shape, size, hairness, blemished, or anything, is valid and beautiful!
That being said, the only one I personally have a preference for both male and female that I can appreciate more on a personal level is a soft smooth belly. Whether it's tight or squishy is irrelevant, though I like it more ball-like than with rolls.
I do not find any bellies ugly, but there are some that I can just vibe with a lot easier than others because they are more my type.

Well, i understand that this comes from a good place, but i find bizarre this way of trying to appreciate a belly! Let me explain:
No belly is beautiful. For the same reason nothing in this world is beautiful, or ugly. That's not a property of objects, but an idea in our heads! We think it! It's us, who find things beautiful or ugly! And if there are many (different) opinions, some will find it beautiful, others indifferent, and some will think it's ugly.

My point is that this is neither a way to appreciate people's individuality, because it contradicts itself (by way of assuming that we all have or we all ought to have the same, set way of thinking)

We have to come up with something better than this!

For example things don't owe us to be beautiful. The first step to trully appreciate a belly on the basis of beauty, is to realize it's right to not be beautiful! And it's then that you can appreciate the relationship between the object (in this case the belly) and the person who finds it beautiful!! That's far more radical! Not only it is much more liberating, but it's liberating on more dimensions too! If you want to gain or loose weight, because you have a desire to have a certain body, different to the one you got, it liberates you from hating your body for not being beautiful, because it simply doesn't owe anyone that! But it also doesn't force you into believing that your body is in fact beautiful or ugly, because it's neither! But you have the freedom to like it or dislike it! You can find it beautiful or ugly! Or even be indifferent! Nobody else can force that *you should* find it beautiful, or ugly. But simultaneously they also can have their opinion, and you don't have to view it in the same way!! You can talk about it if you want, that whould be cool if it is done in a productive way, but you could also not, if you don't want to!

Note that this doesn't make harassment acceptable tho, constructive discussion is one thing. Harassment is something different and stupid!

I hope this came out clearly! And im really curious, what do you think? Feel free to criticize what i said!

8 months
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