
Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.


Please offer your insight! Don't waste your time and energy on responding with completely useless, to the conversation, memes!

I'm just calling a spade a spade.

Beauty is subjective as well as a social construct. But that doesn't mean it's not real.

Fat - especially fat bellies - are stigmatized. Women have it worse, but the general public sees them as disgusting. This leads to a lot of mental health issues that can spill over to physical health issues. On top of that, people perceived as gross and ugly are far more disadvantaged over those perceived as beautiful or even average. There's tons on stories in the forums alone about those denied medical care or encouraged to engage in dangerous, life threatening things all in the name of losing weight. Some have been abused for their soft middles.

So saying "all bellies are beautiful" is more than a platitude. It is a radial statement of reclaiming power and control. To be beautiful is to be valued. And when you know have value, you aren't going to accept the discrimination a lot of people force on you. Because boy howdy do a lot of people internalize fatphobia and think they deserve the abuse they get.

This shouldn't be reality, but it is. And it's like this pretty much everywhere - even within the fat fetish community.

So, once again:

Okay! Now I can work with this a little bit better. So, what you write here is basically a materialist explanation of how this came out to be! The way i interpret it at least!

My question is, Is this the best we can do? To pretend that our bodies are beautiful, (instead of beauty living in the ideological space) in order to counter the discrimination? But it would require the same level of mental energy, or less to explain that everyone has different views! That's a much tougher ideological argument to make, instead of the "No, im beautiful", which is really only a reactionary move to the discrimination. It tries to prove it wrong, without proof which makes it a toxic and not a constructive argument! And I'm criticizing precisely that! And in fact i provide an alternative, precisely because i do understand that discrimination does cause harm! It is stupid! It is irrational! But the way to counter it is not with more of the same! But with something that will render the logic of the discriminator obsolete!

Also a few more points,
I never implied, and i see that it might not have come across clearly, that beauty isn't real. Beauty is purely ideological. It resides in the domain of ideology,each one of us has! And our ideology constructs our reality! Here I'm not saying that beauty isn't real, but precisely *how* it is real!

Secondly, i didn't understand how beauty is a social contrast at all. Beauty standards absolutely are (in any kind of civilization) i can see how perceptions of beauty can affect society, and how society can affect the perception of beauty people have, but that, again is something elde. I'd really appreciate it if you explain this point further, because i cant see how beauty could be a social construct!
And lastly, I'd actually appreciate it If you also provide constructive criticism to my previous post too!

If you scroll through the posts, you will see I've touched on all of your questions.

With that said, you are hijacking a fat belly appreciation post.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

"Have you ever had depression? Have you ever been told that your body is bad? That it's a direct reflection of your moral character?"
Yes. Actually yes. Not 2 spar Flat out i am commiserating. I do not care the responses, i do not play the games, i feel unless we acknowledge in every single one of the ways this system failed us all, we are doomed to just go back and forth. As a man my self worth as far as society is concerned is purely my production. Not how it looks or how i look, my emotional well being or my support network. My health is only questioned if offending or detrimental to my output, and even then its always an air of "you should have been on this" Nor my personality unless it is pigheaded stubbornness, or thinly veiled sociopathy. If my arm breaks slightly the wrong way one day, thats IT FOR ME for 75 percent of work. As in, whatever skills and training i have been accruing might as well have been spent on Cocaine and Orange Juliuses.
And oh lord help you if your mental or emotional state gets in the way. If your privileged, you get too sad and your wife loses her car. If you're with the rest of us? Your family starts to...STARVE. How's that for a suck it up pep talk? Yall think guys dont know how to share our emotions. We do. Generally of course. but. Like what would it even solve? At best laughed at, and def worse. There is no support network for males. No honest good modern masculine guidance. Just honest to god alcoholism, and the idea that morals are fixed, but the ground they lay on can swap hands 5 times this week already. Why do you think the fringes are absolutely spazzing? Lack of all this, when women seem to have it built in is where the suicide statistics come into play. I'm grateful at least some humans can confidently cry out when those thoughts come a knocking, and find succor. Srs


Sir, go touch grass.

If your response to the struggles of marginalization is "I'm a white man! I suffer too!", then you lost the entire plot.

No one said white men or men in general don't struggle. There's intersectionality that men have such as race, sexuality, class, disability, that can enhance the general suffering of life.

You said that.

I am saying that it is rich for a white man to tell a black woman to suck it up.

Also, you are derailing a thread about enjoying bellies. If you do not stop, admin will lock the thread. And no one will be happy about that.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

no sarcasm at all. it seems to work. But if the dominant thread leading the conversations at the moral top of society, the modern LGBTIA (honestly hope i nailed it off the cuff this time smiley its easy and important to those who find use in....a banner to commisserate under! ) movement intentionally or by unconsciously making a passing judment, snubs its nose at any other in talks of bringing everyone together, it hasnt learned a thing. Doubly so if it makes decisions based on only their own judgments! Like lordy we all just waged a war from that angle. No one wants to hear the unsocialized pasty creep Talk about white men being forgotten. I dont. You know what i want to do even less? Admit theres a glaring chunk of truth. And even less so acknowledge the link between the spike in shootings.

I am not criticzing the movement for a second. Just that whole spidy thing with responsibility. The social war is all but won. If we keep talking like were still david and goliath, and not as if most rational people today consider the movement tolerable at WORST, and to most at least a difinitive pillar of forward thought we stand to start to lose. It was at first for freedom and liberation, but now people listen to yall.

Now, do any other culture here. Saved that bit for the end. God the layers and layers of pure fuckity combined with systemic racism. No words.

Omg! You're so divorced from reality that it's hilarious. The social war is all but won. Lmao. Oh, you sweet summer child.

Go touch grass.

I'm going to go back to talking about bellies in this thread. This is a fun thread. And if you keep this nonsense up, the admin is going to lock this thread. Everyone else wants to talk about bellies.

Read the room and stop going "well actually" when you've got like ... a quarter of the facts.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

The cool thing about hairy bellies is that, when you gain weight, the look less hairy. This is because the hair follicles are spread out. When you lose weight, the space goes away and you look hairier again.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

I'm the top poster in the forums. I have seen this happen time and time again.

The admins are not siding with me. I just know they lock threads when things like this happen.

So yes. I am warning you before it happens.

And, if that's your perception of events, you haven't been paying attention.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Hairy or smooth, stuffed bellies are the best.
8 months

Bellies. smooth vs. hairy.

Hairy or smooth, stuffed bellies are the best.

Hahahaah, i definitely agree, i find it best when that's the case! 😂
8 months
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