
Thanksgiving hits a little different

**Sorry - slightly long post warning!**

Happy post-Thanksgiving to my United States, China, Brazil, Japan, and other friends here! And to those of you who didn't celebrate the holiday yesterday - know how thankful I am to be a part of this community, and thankful for how each of you help to support, celebrate, and encourage the visitors of this site.

On to topic: This was the first year that I was feeding myself for Thanksgiving dinner.

I've had a few of these holidays in which I was piling food onto a plate for a feedee, but this year the feedee was ME.

It is an AMAZING holiday to be stuffed - dear Lord. I am STILL full.

Loaded mashed potatoes, buttered squash, turkey covered in gravy, buttered dinner rolls, STUFFING. Oh, man - it was an incredible experience to be secretly aroused at the dinner table while I just kept encouraging myself to take another bite, and another, and another.

And then, when you can't eat another bite of the main courses and sides...

The desserts. I pushed my way through three different slices of pie and a cheesecake.

(I managed to get my first family friendly comment - "You look like you have a little room in there for another slice." I was super turned on accepted the challenge.)

I have ALWAYS loved this holiday - feederism aside - because it gives us time to be grateful for things in our lives, and for time (hopefully) spent with good company. As a feeder, I've loved this holiday for the immense amount of food choices that I could tempt a broad audience with throughout the day.

But to be completely stuffed - just packed up so tight that it's a little hard to breathe - and for it to be celebrated?

It just hits different. smiley

How was everyone else's experience?
9 months

Thanksgiving hits a little different

So glad to hear you had such a great Thanksgiving!

I have complicated feelings for all of the major holidays that I grew up with, which sadly makes it difficult for me to enjoy their feedist potential. Ironically, yesterday was one of the best Thanksgivings I ever had because I got to blissfully ignore it, surrounded by people who barely know it exists. That didn't exclude good food though!

I'm so glad it was a good day - especially given your experiences with holidays. Holidays tend to be big emotion days - for some this is happy emotions, positive association. For others, it's not happy, or even terrible - negative association. I try to be sensitive to anyone who typically doesn't enjoy the holidays for whatever personal reason, as often the widespread commercial version of the holidays make them seem all positive and cheery.

I'm happy that you were able to make it a positive day - in whatever way you wanted to celebrate or not celebrate! (And glad you got some good food at least!)
9 months

Thanksgiving hits a little different

Sadly it and especially Christmas is just another day for me. My grandma long ago retired from doing the Christmas Eve thing at her house, I lost my wife almost 2 1/2 years ago...I don't even bother putting up a tree/decorations in my apt. And it was always my favorite holiday by far...I just hope someday I can find that very special someone so I can have reason to properly celebrate and enjoy holidays again.

What's stopping you from celebrating by yourself? Or with friends? Heck, you can go volunteer and spend the day with the less fortunate.

If you miss celebrating, the only one stopping you is you.
9 months