Fat experiences


I received comments about my weight 3 times already im home for thanksgiving this week. My sister asked if I needed a bigger size for clothing gifts cause I gained weight, a bit on the nose and direct but can’t blame her I’ve gained a lot. My grandpa asked how much weight I’m gonna gain, I wasn’t even sure how to respond to that one I just kinda laughed it off. Then I was given the responsibility of Making green bean casserole for dinner and my dad made sure to tell me not to eat it all before the dinner I was taken back by that one totally don’t want to eat the whole thing or anything 😏
8 months


How did you feel about those comments? I'm a bit envious. I've always been fat, so I'm pretty sure my family low-key anticipates more weight gain each year. Although I'm my biggest ever by a good bit, and I've packed it on this year. I'd love to hear some comments or, at the very least, see some surprised looks.

The comments made me feel like the fatty I am now, there’s no question that I’m fat I’m 445 I know to some extent I’m gaining weight but you don’t really notice it in the day to day it takes someone who hasn’t seen you in a while to notice, it in a weird way was affirming to some extent like it’s undeniable even to outsiders I’m a fatty.. I guess a lot of people are walking around on egg shells with regard to my weight or something, it’s only been people I know really well who have made comments like this. The first two def through me off guard and left me speechless but the last comment my dad made about not eating all the green bean casserole stuck like that’s something I’d do now lol
8 months


I love getting comments about my weight. I don't get enough of them. Maybe that is one thing that I like about going to the doctors.
8 months


How did you feel about those comments? I'm a bit envious. I've always been fat, so I'm pretty sure my family low-key anticipates more weight gain each year. Although I'm my biggest ever by a good bit, and I've packed it on this year. I'd love to hear some comments or, at the very least, see some surprised looks.

Morbidly A Beast:
The comments made me feel like the fatty I am now, there’s no question that I’m fat I’m 445 I know to some extent I’m gaining weight but you don’t really notice it in the day to day it takes someone who hasn’t seen you in a while to notice, it in a weird way was affirming to some extent like it’s undeniable even to outsiders I’m a fatty.. I guess a lot of people are walking around on egg shells with regard to my weight or something, it’s only been people I know really well who have made comments like this. The first two def through me off guard and left me speechless but the last comment my dad made about not eating all the green bean casserole stuck like that’s something I’d do now lol

We're exactly the same weight! And I know what you mean about thinking people must be walking on eggshells. As a culture, we've stopped commenting on people's size, and that's a good thing, because most people refrain out of respect. Even when I gained 80 pounds in just over 2 months, no one but my partner said a word. A little disappointing! I put a lot of work into all that fat! Lol
8 months


on two separate occasions an uncle and a cousin (unrelated) asked me how much I weighed now, I played it dumb with the uncle and said at least 280 and he said I must be a really heavy 280 and gave me a diet recommendation 😔. I was more honest with the cousin and said over 400 he laughed and said damn your big now; both times it just happened to be when I was getting up to get my 3rd plate and a slice of pie.

Apparently my weight is the talk of the dinner table, whatever.
8 months


We're exactly the same weight! And I know what you mean about thinking people must be walking on eggshells. As a culture, we've stopped commenting on people's size, and that's a good thing, because most people refrain out of respect. Even when I gained 80 pounds in just over 2 months, no one but my partner said a word. A little disappointing! I put a lot of work into all that fat! Lol

omg that’s amazing we’re the same weight lol! Race to 500?! Haha.

I much preferred it when they must’ve talked about it when I wasn’t around
8 months


We're exactly the same weight! And I know what you mean about thinking people must be walking on eggshells. As a culture, we've stopped commenting on people's size, and that's a good thing, because most people refrain out of respect. Even when I gained 80 pounds in just over 2 months, no one but my partner said a word. A little disappointing! I put a lot of work into all that fat! Lol

Morbidly A Beast:
omg that’s amazing we’re the same weight lol! Race to 500?! Haha.

I much preferred it when they must’ve talked about it when I wasn’t around

Yes!! I have a feeling I'm a good bit shorter than you, but joining the 400 club was one of my best decisions ever. And I think we have similar daily appetites.

My aunt did make one remark Thursday when I was getting third servings of stuffing. She said, "Be careful. You might wanna slow down.' That's hilarious, in that the very next day, I finished a whole 9x13 pan on my own. 🤣'
8 months


My weight isn't even if half yours. But in my country (family etc.) I heard comment about my weight: most of about health and fit.

I have in my family cousine who's now about 450 lbs (most of life +/- 170) and rest of family called him black sheep.

Now I'm closing 200 and trying to resist new comments. But I'm ONLY 198 😣

For some people, comments are a turn-on, but everyone is different. If anyone, family included, makes comments that make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, you always have the right to set your boundaries.

"I know you care about my health, but I'm not comfortable with comments about my body."

"I'm going to ask you to please refrain from commenting about my weight. Thanks in advance for understanding."

"I truly am thankful for your concern, but it hurts my feelings when you criticize my weight."

"I'm happy with myself as I am."

Your weight DOES NOT make you a "black sheep", and it never will, regardless of whether you decide to gain or lose. Ignore the critics and enjoy your journey!
8 months


My weight isn't even if half yours. But in my country (family etc.) I heard comment about my weight: most of about health and fit.

I have in my family cousine who's now about 450 lbs (most of life +/- 170) and rest of family called him black sheep.

Now I'm closing 200 and trying to resist new comments. But I'm ONLY 198 😣

For some people, comments are a turn-on, but everyone is different. If anyone, family included, makes comments that make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, you always have the right to set your boundaries.

"I know you care about my health, but I'm not comfortable with comments about my body."

"I'm going to ask you to please refrain from commenting about my weight. Thanks in advance for understanding."

"I truly am thankful for your concern, but it hurts my feelings when you criticize my weight."

"I'm happy with myself as I am."

Your weight DOES NOT make you a "black sheep", and it never will, regardless of whether you decide to gain or lose. Ignore the critics and enjoy your journey!

8 months


My weight isn't even if half yours. But in my country (family etc.) I heard comment about my weight: most of about health and fit.

I have in my family cousine who's now about 450 lbs (most of life +/- 170) and rest of family called him black sheep.

Now I'm closing 200 and trying to resist new comments. But I'm ONLY 198 😣

For some people, comments are a turn-on, but everyone is different. If anyone, family included, makes comments that make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, you always have the right to set your boundaries.

"I know you care about my health, but I'm not comfortable with comments about my body."

"I'm going to ask you to please refrain from commenting about my weight. Thanks in advance for understanding."

"I truly am thankful for your concern, but it hurts my feelings when you criticize my weight."

"I'm happy with myself as I am."

Your weight DOES NOT make you a "black sheep", and it never will, regardless of whether you decide to gain or lose. Ignore the critics and enjoy your journey!

Love this post - thanks for a great reminder and examples!!!
8 months
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