
Extreme gaining in a somewhat healthy way

Hello there! This might have been asked before but i couldn't find something quickly.
I'm trying to commit to gaining, and i would like to hear tips on how i could gain in a relatively healthy way, if im looking to get extremely fat. (ideally I'd like to end up completely immobile, and to do that successfully, i must be as healthy as i can in each point in my weight gain journey)
8 months

Extreme gaining in a somewhat healthy way

I know people on here tend to be pretty split about this, but if you want to gain a ton of weight while maintaining some health, some excersize would be great for you. Even if it’s just walking 30 minutes a day, staying mobile is gonna help you put on weight more comfortably and also allow you to eat more
7 months

Extreme gaining in a somewhat healthy way

The healthiest way to gain (IMO, though there are still risks) would be a slow, monitored gain that includes a caloric surplus of healthy foods as well as regular exercise. This is what a lot of heavyweight athletes do.
7 months

Extreme gaining in a somewhat healthy way

There isn't really a way to do this. Sorry, man.

Gaining to that size and weight is inherently risky, especially for men. Our bodies lack the built in biological safeguards against obesity related health risks that women have.

You can do your best to exercise and eat healthy, but you're really rolling the dice either way. You'll have to decide if those risks are worth it.
7 months