Lifestyle tips

Changes i've noticed

I've started tucking my pants under my belly because I've found that it's more comfortable that way. My underwear has started to roll under my belly anyway because of my gain

It's getting harder to put my shoes on, let alone tie them.

I struggle to fit into certain restaurant booths. I now try to get a table to avoid having to push the table towards the person across from me.

I have to ask for a seatbelt extender if I fly anywhere and the arms dig into my side rolls.

I'm much more sweaty than I used to be.

I've gotten rolls in places that I never had them before. My side boob roll is becoming a lot larger

I'm very lazy. In fact, I only get up a couple times a day. I'm sedentary and work sitting down. Now, simple exercise has me worn out

I've developed some health issues like plantar fascitis and sciatica. I'm also pre-diabetic. I get out of breath easily and have had asthma flare ups. I've had to start using an inhaler.
6 months

Changes i've noticed

I'm really enjoying the extra weight, but I am a bit nervous for future mobility challenges if I'm already starting to struggle with getting shoes on lol
6 months

Changes i've noticed

Oooh I'll definitely need to get that and one of those grabbing things for if I drop something.
6 months

Changes i've noticed

Yes I have to move my belly out of the way to see how much I weigh, so talking scale would be amazing. Didn't even know they made those. It is also impossible for me to shave my legs unless I'm in the bath and then it's getting hard for me to get up out of the bath. Sitting down on a shower chair sounds nice.
6 months

Changes i've noticed

I also need a new office chair. Mine had a 200isj pound limit and I recently broke it. I need a 400 pound limit or higher. I don't want to have to replace it after a year or two haha.
6 months