
A reminder to everyone in the community

I aim to spread love, kindness, respect, and trust throughout the community, no matter how cliche or sappy that sounds.
This is a reminder that anyone you want/hope to talk to in this community is a human being. They have their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, even if that person doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. Please do not disrespect anyone for your own goals and desires. Nobody owes you anything. Do not treat anyone badly because they say no, they are not here to appeal to your fantasy.
The best thing you can do to support your feedee creator is to just show love and appreciation for the content they're making, and not expect anything in return. Almost every feedee is looking to be themselves, to feel proud of what they're doing and share it with the community. Spamming 100 messages asking for belly pics, to feed them, to meet irl (just.. don't), that isn't love, it isn't appreciated or ever wanted. It's a delusional mindset that people living in a fantasy have created. Nobody likes that, I need to emphasize that, please do not harrass anyone for you're own benefit.
Sorry for that rant, this happens way too often and it should be spoken up by more than just the one being harrassed.
I hope every feedee out there or who reads this is proud of who they are and what they do. Don't listen to the pervs, hecklers, haters, just be you and do what makes you happy, even if no one else understands. I'm proud we have all the feedee's we do today, both male, female, they/them and everyone. And thank you to anyone who's been super sweet and respectful for the community, you're making it a better place.
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

I aim to spread love, kindness, respect, and trust throughout the community, no matter how cliche or sappy that sounds.
This is a reminder that anyone you want/hope to talk to in this community is a human being. They have their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, even if that person doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. Please do not disrespect anyone for your own goals and desires. Nobody owes you anything. Do not treat anyone badly because they say no, they are not here to appeal to your fantasy.
The best thing you can do to support your feedee creator is to just show love and appreciation for the content they're making, and not expect anything in return. Almost every feedee is looking to be themselves, to feel proud of what they're doing and share it with the community. Spamming 100 messages asking for belly pics, to feed them, to meet irl (just.. don't), that isn't love, it isn't appreciated or ever wanted. It's a delusional mindset that people living in a fantasy have created. Nobody likes that, I need to emphasize that, please do not harrass anyone for you're own benefit.
Sorry for that rant, this happens way too often and it should be spoken up by more than just the one being harrassed.
I hope every feedee out there or who reads this is proud of who they are and what they do. Don't listen to the pervs, hecklers, haters, just be you and do what makes you happy, even if no one else understands. I'm proud we have all the feedee's we do today, both male, female, they/them and everyone. And thank you to anyone who's been super sweet and respectful for the community, you're making it a better place.

This is really kind of you! And i would love to add a few things!

Try to get into the other person's shoes! Try to understand how your actions will affect them, from their point! I promise you, once you understand how to make the other person's time pass well, they will appreciated your acompany a lot! ^^

Try to understand yourself! Try to understand why is it that you May not care for the above point for example! (if thats the case) or try to understand what other areas in you are under developed, lets say!

And please... Please! Try to comorehend that everyone is stupid! Including the person you might talk with, yourself and me! We're all stupid, in the sense that we make choices that will end up hurting us, without us even realizing!
We're stupid, because we dont know everything! And that is natural! We are born only with some basic insticts! These dont help us understand how the world works, but only push us to do things that will ensure our survival! We have to learn, beyond that! And thats how the stupidity vanishes! We are at a point where information is widely available! What we have to do is go and explore it, so that we understand how the world works, and inevidably, become less stupid!

It might seem tabbo, offensive or unkind to talk about stupidity. But the reality is thats a stupid way to think of it! Because if we dont understand the problem, we wont be able to solve it! And it will continue to hurt us!

What i just wrote, is also an attempt at spreading love, kindness, respect and trust, however ironic it might sound! I just hope its not an utter failure at it! xD
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

I aim to spread love, kindness, respect, and trust throughout the community, no matter how cliche or sappy that sounds.
This is a reminder that anyone you want/hope to talk to in this community is a human being. They have their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, even if that person doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. Please do not disrespect anyone for your own goals and desires. Nobody owes you anything. Do not treat anyone badly because they say no, they are not here to appeal to your fantasy.
The best thing you can do to support your feedee creator is to just show love and appreciation for the content they're making, and not expect anything in return. Almost every feedee is looking to be themselves, to feel proud of what they're doing and share it with the community. Spamming 100 messages asking for belly pics, to feed them, to meet irl (just.. don't), that isn't love, it isn't appreciated or ever wanted. It's a delusional mindset that people living in a fantasy have created. Nobody likes that, I need to emphasize that, please do not harrass anyone for you're own benefit.
Sorry for that rant, this happens way too often and it should be spoken up by more than just the one being harrassed.
I hope every feedee out there or who reads this is proud of who they are and what they do. Don't listen to the pervs, hecklers, haters, just be you and do what makes you happy, even if no one else understands. I'm proud we have all the feedee's we do today, both male, female, they/them and everyone. And thank you to anyone who's been super sweet and respectful for the community, you're making it a better place.

Here heređź‘Ź
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

A good message, but frankly, I wish I got a bunch of messages asking to feed me irl haha.

But to those who do not seek it I can imagine it is hell.
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

A lovely message
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

I aim to spread love, kindness, respect, and trust throughout the community, no matter how cliche or sappy that sounds.
This is a reminder that anyone you want/hope to talk to in this community is a human being. They have their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, even if that person doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. Please do not disrespect anyone for your own goals and desires. Nobody owes you anything. Do not treat anyone badly because they say no, they are not here to appeal to your fantasy.
The best thing you can do to support your feedee creator is to just show love and appreciation for the content they're making, and not expect anything in return. Almost every feedee is looking to be themselves, to feel proud of what they're doing and share it with the community. Spamming 100 messages asking for belly pics, to feed them, to meet irl (just.. don't), that isn't love, it isn't appreciated or ever wanted. It's a delusional mindset that people living in a fantasy have created. Nobody likes that, I need to emphasize that, please do not harrass anyone for you're own benefit.
Sorry for that rant, this happens way too often and it should be spoken up by more than just the one being harrassed.
I hope every feedee out there or who reads this is proud of who they are and what they do. Don't listen to the pervs, hecklers, haters, just be you and do what makes you happy, even if no one else understands. I'm proud we have all the feedee's we do today, both male, female, they/them and everyone. And thank you to anyone who's been super sweet and respectful for the community, you're making it a better place.

Adding onto this, don't try to force people to be something they are not. You see it a lot from people trying to convince foodies, bloaters, and the occasional feeder to be their feedee. And on the flip side, if you are a feedee

When you treat people poorly, people talk about you. You might not see it, but people will shoot messages to other users - sometimes on different platforms - to avoid you like the plague.
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

I aim to spread love, kindness, respect, and trust throughout the community, no matter how cliche or sappy that sounds.
This is a reminder that anyone you want/hope to talk to in this community is a human being. They have their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, even if that person doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. Please do not disrespect anyone for your own goals and desires. Nobody owes you anything. Do not treat anyone badly because they say no, they are not here to appeal to your fantasy.
The best thing you can do to support your feedee creator is to just show love and appreciation for the content they're making, and not expect anything in return. Almost every feedee is looking to be themselves, to feel proud of what they're doing and share it with the community. Spamming 100 messages asking for belly pics, to feed them, to meet irl (just.. don't), that isn't love, it isn't appreciated or ever wanted. It's a delusional mindset that people living in a fantasy have created. Nobody likes that, I need to emphasize that, please do not harrass anyone for you're own benefit.
Sorry for that rant, this happens way too often and it should be spoken up by more than just the one being harrassed.
I hope every feedee out there or who reads this is proud of who they are and what they do. Don't listen to the pervs, hecklers, haters, just be you and do what makes you happy, even if no one else understands. I'm proud we have all the feedee's we do today, both male, female, they/them and everyone. And thank you to anyone who's been super sweet and respectful for the community, you're making it a better place.

Adding onto this, don't try to force people to be something they are not. You see it a lot from people trying to convince foodies, bloaters, and the occasional feeder to be their feedee. And on the flip side, if you are a feedee

When you treat people poorly, people talk about you. You might not see it, but people will shoot messages to other users - sometimes on different platforms - to avoid you like the plague.

I have been fortunate to have learned quite a bit about my wife and myself over the past few years. We are in a much better place taking on a bit of this in our life. The best reminder I received is that you are loved, you are kind, you are great full, and you are thankful. I try to incorporate these attributes into my life as often as possible.
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

This thread makes me happy. Sending love to all who visit and aim to build people up, promote positivity, and treat others with dignity and respect!
7 months