Lifestyle tips

Practical fat habits

is there a method to gain localised? I wish to grow a lower flappy belly and breasts.
7 months

Practical fat habits

Did you say carrots and peanut butter.. like you dip your carrots in peanut butter? Or did you mean separately? 🤔

Yup. I dip baby carrots in PB. I know... not everyone's cup of tea. Don't judge, LOL. 😊😊😊
I love carrots with PB, also celery with PB.
7 months

Practical fat habits

Omg - baby carrots with PB are amazing. It's one snack that I tell myself is "reasonably healthy", and easily lets me sneak in 500+ calories with those two little cups!
7 months

Practical fat habits

Count me in. Freshly made peanut butter enhances life. Ps. Good to hear from you
7 months

Practical fat habits

is there a method to gain localised? I wish to grow a lower flappy belly and breasts.

Sorry, love. But no. That comes down to genetics.
7 months

Practical fat habits

Constant snacking, no matter how big or small. When dating my husband I used to hand him a packet of cookies after his class. A few months later I was walking by the building where he had class, to see him resting on a bench and eating his own snack.
Always have snacks anywhere they can fit, anywhere you spend time, and making your spaces be those in which you can sit for long periods of time. Anything that gets you eating more, moving less is good.
7 months

Practical fat habits

Walk every day, even just a leisurely 30 min stroll. Especially if youre close to 30 or older, just doing this much helps maintain a baseline of fitness that will help stave off health complications as you get bigger.
7 months
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