
Mental health and the void

You don't "like your estimates" meaning you'll soon know, or still too far off to know? Or that if you find the cause of the depressive void, it won't help you to better deal with it/fight it?
7 months

Mental health and the void

You don't "like your estimates" meaning you'll soon know, or still too far off to know? Or that if you find the cause of the depressive void, it won't help you to better deal with it/fight it?

Both? Like aaaaaa I really like the idea of being a girl on one hand but on the other that would immediately set my marriage/best freindship on fire and I’m also completely unsure of weather that is the source per say. I lack most of the telltale signs and don’t really seem to fit but on the other hand I don't really seem to lay claim to being very cis. So probably something else but I have no clue.

I don’t like the answer but it also fits like a square peg in a round hole.

Are you working with a therapist?
7 months

Mental health and the void

I think you would really, really benefit from working with a good therapist.

This community supports you in taking care of your mental and emotional self-care - YOU ARE WORTH IT!

A good therapist will help you with some of the deeply personal feelings you have - they will listen to you and will help you to and prioritize the things that will help you to live your best, most authentic life.

I will share that I often get times of feeling very disconnected from myself and from others around me - my therapist has been such a great help to sort things in my mind and to help me with my happiness and satisfaction.

The other thing that has helped me is the concept of Absurdism and the writing of Albert Camus. You could look it up.on YouTube and find some short videos to give you an idea about how Absurdism can help with the feelings of the void. Hope it helps you in some way.

Come back and give us an update to let us know how you are doing!
7 months