Feedback and suggestions

Notifications and app

Is there any option to get notifications for forum replies? I get notification on the bell only from users who watched my profile page or liked my stories. Is there any option to get notifications from replies to my forum posts?

Also is there an app for FF?
6 months

Notifications and app

I like the idea of getting a notification to a forum . I do know you can set p email alerts for forum responses and you can do this by going to 'My Account' and editing the settings on this page.

FF does not have an app and there is no plan any time soon to develop one. This isn't because we don't want to move with the times but its just not feasible with hiccupx being the only developer for the site.

We do have some big improvements including new features and fixes for the site on the way in 2024. So keep an eye out for those, and as always any suggestions for features you'd like would be great, so keep your ideas coming!

FF Team
6 months