
The struggle

Hello all! I'm not new to the fetish, but I am new to trying to gain weight on purpose.

So I've been trying to gain weight since before Thanksgiving. To be fair, I wasn't going that hard until last week, but I have spent years on being fit and keeping my caloric intake at about 1600-1700 to maintain my body. So I figured it wouldn't take much to pack it on, and after spending a month letting go of my diet (eating a slice of pie after dinner, letting myself have an extra soda a day) and a week of actually going out of my way to take in more (eating at least am extra 500 calories a dat), I've gained...


Needless to say, I'm really shocked and disappointed.

I have a history of ED, so I guess the perception that my gut was softer and fuller is just a symptom of that. I have gained not one single pound.

To add salt in the wound, my partner, who is aware I'm trying to gain weight, has also let his diet go, I guess. But I have definitely been eating more than him and he's gained 5 pounds.

I don't know. I'm just feeling discouraged. I couldn't lose weight by cutting calories and I can't gain weight by adding them. It's like my body is cursed.

FIRST of all - you deserve big praise for the hard work you are doing in battling an ED. This is something to be very proud of, and it's something that I wanted to give you credit for before anything else. (Hugs and high fives!)

Second - it can be discouraging when you are trying to gain weight if you don't see the scale move, because we often use the numbers on the scale to validate success. However, if the process of eating more food and feeling softer feels good, then you are enjoying the journey and the experience.

From my own experience, I sometimes get frustrated when I wake up some mornings and feel like I've put on 10 pounds overnight, but the scale says that I've actually LOST half a pound. To be kind to myself, however, if I track progress over a longer time period, I would say that I do more of a "slow climb up to a plateau, then another slow climb up to a plateau..." type of gain.

I had a point in my life when the math was the everything - weight was something that I could control with numbers, up or down, so I focused entirely on calculation and numeric outcomes. This behavior - while successful in weight loss and gain for me - ultimately led to an obsessive mindset that actually sucked the joy out of what I was doing and made my efforts entirely about the mathematical outcomes. I ended up feeling validated by a set of numbers more than by how I emotionally and physically felt about my own body. (So... I've been there, if that's kinda how you feel.)

It can be discouraging, but just keep enjoying what you are doing. If you feel squishier- enjoy the squish! If you are turned on by the extra slice of pie - enjoy it! Try to focus on all the amazing aspects of the weight gain journey, because your body will catch up eventually!!! "Feeling" fat is a mindset that can be independent of the body - it's a wonderful feeling regardless of any physical or mathematical measurement.

Hope this helps, and keep at it. The weight will come - try to enjoy the experience more than the numbers themselves, and try not to compare yourself to anyone else. Your body is unique and your own!

Now go get some more pie! smiley
7 months

The struggle

Hello all! I'm not new to the fetish, but I am new to trying to gain weight on purpose.

So I've been trying to gain weight since before Thanksgiving. To be fair, I wasn't going that hard until last week, but I have spent years on being fit and keeping my caloric intake at about 1600-1700 to maintain my body. So I figured it wouldn't take much to pack it on, and after spending a month letting go of my diet (eating a slice of pie after dinner, letting myself have an extra soda a day, just eating whatever I want, really) and a week of actually going out of my way to take in more (eating at least an extra 500 calories a day), I've gained...


Needless to say, I'm really shocked and disappointed.

I have a history of ED, so I guess the perception that my gut was softer and fuller is just a symptom of that. I have gained not one single pound.

To add salt in the wound, my partner, who is aware I'm trying to gain weight, and expressed excitement at my plan, has also let his diet go, I guess. But I have definitely been eating more than him and he's gained 5 pounds without really trying.

I don't know. I'm just feeling discouraged. I couldn't lose weight by cutting calories ten years ago and I can't gain weight by adding them now. It's like my body is cursed.

Hi .
Don't be frustrated. If you eat extra calories they don't show immediately. It's a accumulative action it shows later. Fat is unused energy storage. So your metabolism has to change to store fat. Consume enough calories eventually you will gain weight.
7 months

The struggle

Hello all! I'm not new to the fetish, but I am new to trying to gain weight on purpose.

So I've been trying to gain weight since before Thanksgiving. To be fair, I wasn't going that hard until last week, but I have spent years on being fit and keeping my caloric intake at about 1600-1700 to maintain my body. So I figured it wouldn't take much to pack it on, and after spending a month letting go of my diet (eating a slice of pie after dinner, letting myself have an extra soda a day, just eating whatever I want, really) and a week of actually going out of my way to take in more (eating at least an extra 500 calories a day), I've gained...


Needless to say, I'm really shocked and disappointed.

I have a history of ED, so I guess the perception that my gut was softer and fuller is just a symptom of that. I have gained not one single pound.

To add salt in the wound, my partner, who is aware I'm trying to gain weight, and expressed excitement at my plan, has also let his diet go, I guess. But I have definitely been eating more than him and he's gained 5 pounds without really trying.

I don't know. I'm just feeling discouraged. I couldn't lose weight by cutting calories ten years ago and I can't gain weight by adding them now. It's like my body is cursed.

With love, but you've only been truly committed to this for a week now. It's hardly strange not to have any weight gain yet. These things can take time and consistency. I know you're frustrated, but there's nothing wrong with you. Be kind to yourself.

You've already taken such a big first step, and that's not nothing. Just enjoy yourself and have fun.
7 months