Extreme obesity

Do any men want to be immobile

Definitely, anything 1,000+ lbs, I use to picture myself sat on a massive soft cushion, watching a TV, stuffing myself 24/7 in a big man cave surrounded by junk food and cream cake's
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

Big Hot Guy:
yes indeed...I think about it ALL THE TIME.

Sounds hot but........
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

Well, I'm certainly not thin at 320 lbs at 6' tall, but I must confess that its an intense fantasy for me to think of being fed to that size. I love the way my body feels and its incredibly wonderful when I'm fortunately enough to find a girl whom I find attractive get excited by my large softness, so much so that she and I role-play her feeding me to immense proportions. This usually involves some real feeding of course, followed by unbridled fatty sex. It's a huge turn on, so I completely understand your fantasy and desire.

After all, don't most of us? That IS what makes this a community of kindred spirits, is it not? smiley

guurl2125 wrote:
hi i am a 20 year old girl just livig life how i want to. my fantasy is to feed a large man who is over 500 pounds and i would feed them until they are 1,000 + i would be a slave and they would be the master and i was just wondering if there are any thin girls who feel the same way and want to feed a fat man and is there any fat men who want a thin girl to feed them and take care of them?

that would be my dream come true
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

I absolutely do, and I think it’s extremely masculine
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

I would love just being buried under myself growing body
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

I would love just being buried under myself growing body
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

Yes I want to become immobility. I've wanted this for as long as I can remember. I'm looking for a seriously interested feeder in Germany and the surrounding area who wants to make me his feeding and sex object and set a new record.
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

Yes and at 53 I'm finally getting started. Have to get to 280 soon to prove I'm in to a long time friend that asked me years ago. But I failed. Up to 215 from 180 over 3mo. She says from 280 she wants me to gain 1 to 2 pounds a day until she's satisfied. I'm all in and going for broke. My dream as long as I can remember coming true.
1 year

Do any men want to be immobile

absolutely my goal
8 months

Do any men want to be immobile

I am actually looking forward to becoming a half ton(or more) hubby
8 months