Fattening others

Person you would love to feed/see fat

No one new in particular, but a shout out here for Kelly Clarkson for being confident enough being a full-figured gal so long. Saw her in a commercial recently and found her quite continually attractive :-)
8 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

I'd love to see Christina Ricci fatten back up. In the late '90s, she was damn near perfection. As a teen, she got big breasts early but by her late teens, she began to fill out. She has kind of a big head and naturally chubby cheeks and it was a really good look for her.

Unfortunately, a few years later, she got breast reduction surgery and then starved herself first to an average weight and then to a stick thin weight for a movie called Black Snake Moan. Since then, she's been thin but one can always hope...

Speaking of celebrity weight gain, Bridget Fonda has at least doubled her weight since she was last in movies. There have been some paparazzi pix and it's shocking to see how she's changed from being a movie star to looking like just another obese woman at Walmart. I also just saw an ad for some Christian movie Sean Astin is in and he's gotten really fat as well.
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

Definitely a young woman who works in my suite. She seems very nice but either a bit shy or seems to keep to herself. If I had to guess, she’s probably somewhere around 300 and has a very lovely figure and I’m always hoping that I don’t have a goofy smile when we pass in the hallway or in the lunchroom. I do often wonder if she limits her meals because she’s worried about being shamed for having an appetite. Is she always hungry because she doesn’t eat what she wants to? So, the deviant in me keeps wondering what she’d look like bigger. I found myself wishing more than once that I could find a way to let her know about this site, but, I don’t know how. But, yeah… I’ve had more than one dream about feeding her and trying to picture what she’d look like at work in some of her outfits as only she and I know they’re getting tighter and maybe she’s more outgoing as she learns to celebrate her body and appetite 😎
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

I'm slightly deviant, so I'd say the fat girls that lose weight, but deep down they know they are a fatty, and eventually succumb to the fact that they rather have a cheeseburger than a salad.
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

Also, any gymrat. I want to switch roles 😩
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

One of my tenants has recently put on about 40-50 lbs. My guess is it's the result of prescription meds in conjunction with a carb addiction.

She's always been into her looks and still is, although there's no hiding the fat belly, chubby cheeks, double chin, and thick arms.

Although it looks great on her, I'm certain she absolutely hates having gained the weight. While there's nothing I can do to add to it, I'm hoping she indulges over the holidays and winter to pack on some more.
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

Love to see her
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

For me, celebrity, Miranda Lambert. I love to see her pack the pounds back on. She lost weight when she and Jake Sheldon got divorced. I want her to put those pounds back on.
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

Number 1 for me is my wife. Living the dream with my wife. 19 years of her weight fluctuating until the pandemic. She decided to bulk up summer of the pandemic and has been on the gain train ever since.

She just walked in the room with her jeans unzipped. Her fat round FUPA is so damn hot, she packs a lot into her jeans

Beyond that... Take your average celeb. I love it when a girl like Xtina or Jessica Simpson fattened up. Meghan Trainor packing on a lot of weight would be hot.
6 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

Me fr
6 months
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