
Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

I had an ex that was definitely into the fetish but both of us were too afraid to talk about it to each other.

Yet shed let little things slide like "eat a little more. Get a lil bigger"
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

I had an ex that was definitely into the fetish but both of us were too afraid to talk about it to each other.

Yet shed let little things slide like "eat a little more. Get a lil bigger"
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

Over the past 2-3 years the lady next door has (in my view) almost doubled her weight (gone from 130 to 260 pounds). Her body is ultra thick whereas it was once model-esque slim.

I have noticed she constantly adjusts her dress (picking at it) Whenever she moves. Such a turn on seeing her try pull it down her ultra wide/thick waist or constantly moving it over her belly
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

I met my wife at a concert at a casino. When she first came walking up to my friend group (a mutual friend of ours has made sure we were both there, secretly), her low-cut blouse revealed her 46 DDD chest in a way that still arouses me today :-) That little jiggle with every step, hehe.
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

In college, I had a Lit professor who had quite the pot belly, and every single one of his shirts was straining, as though he was unaware of a recent gain, or simply refused to accept it. On occasion, a button in the belly area was undone, and you could see about an inch of his white undershirt. I'm not sure if I'd say I was sexually aroused, but I certainly found it attractive

Later in college, I saw the professor, his very fit wife, and baby out in town, and he was lean and toned, with no sign of what was once a very pregnant looking visceral gut. Oh, well, lol!
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

I had a guy friend whose shirt would ride up after he ate. His belly also hung over his jeans a lot. He would often talk about how out of shape he was getting in grad school and how he needed to cut back. When I hugged him I would sink into him. It drove me crazy.
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

Right after lunch in my senior year a girl in my class sat down and the decorative belt she was wearing busted.
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

A colleague of mine once showed me her food baby after a lunch. It was quite hot, but she seemed to be very innocent about it, like it was just a normal thing for her, which is probably true.
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

A friend of mine was too fat for a booth and the waitress asked if wwe wanted to move. A year ago he fit
1 year

Has an overweight person ever unintentionally did something that sexuelly arouse you in real lif

A friend of mine was too fat for a booth and the waitress asked if wwe wanted to move. A year ago he fit
1 year
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