
What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

There is definitely no better feel or look than a woman with a nice big hanging tummy to touch and rub and kiss they say meat is for man bones are for dogs and the more meat the better I always say

I stand behind this. I feel like this is the end goal. Perfect love of them for there pure form. A life that rewards this for existing. Rubbing her belly just after a large meal, cuddling in the night, finding a new delicious treat she can eat and enjoy.

All of this is the end goal. Everything before that, to be cherished after its achieved, it might even become the goal in-between a relationship with someone interested in feederism. 🙂
7 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

There is no doubt about it in my mind, there is nothing as thrilling, fulfilling and arousing as witnessing fat being deposited on someone's body, including your own. From subtle changes to unmistakable ballooning. I have been much bigger before, and through various life events, have lost the weight. Coming up to the festive and indulgent season again, I am already gaining weight again, and although everything around us is shouting, stop! The allure of seeing that first little bulge or roll, or the slow but sure tightening of clothing, is intoxicating. We all know about the health implications well enough, but still we deliberately eat to gain body fat. I think I have always been this way, but in later life, with metabolic changes and more sedentary lives, the inevitable fattening happens with relative ease.

What was it for you? That thing that sparked your obsession to get fat or to fatten another? When did you know it, and is it still as exciting now as it was then?

For me, I use to only love seeing others get fatter and softer as it was just beautiful to me, but when I started to get fat without trying during covid I had fallen in love with how much fatter I was getting that I wanted to get fatter too haha
7 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

For me, it’s just a certain comfort level and spirit of acceptance my wife and I have about it. A soft gentle love we have as we enjoy our soft, gentile bodies :-)
7 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

For me, I always had a burning desire to look round, soft, and most of all well-fed. I found myself wishing people would see me and think things like "He's not missing too many meals" or "Look how well he's been eating".

I also have always had a fetish for outgrown clothes. It took me awhile to work up the courage, but I semi-regularly go out wearing too-small clothes to deliberately show off my fat and provoke looks or remarks. In general, I wear my clothes more form-fitting now so my blubber is obvious even when dressing "normal."

It's all about going against the social norm. When I decided to gain, I adopted a sedentary lifestyle in order to turn my muscles to Jell-O. I did not want to be seen as one of those powerlifter types who look strong but with a belly. I wanted to be a soft, round doughboy. Feeling myself get softer, flabbier, and even weaker was amazingly erotic for me.
7 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

The loss of control as someone slips from discipline in their diet and exercise into fixating on their greedy appetite is so tantalizing- I once had a friend who became a pizza delivery driver through college; seeing his Papa John’s uniform polo grow tighter and tighter from the free pizza slices was absolutely thrilling!

Be careful, the same seems to be happening to you!
6 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

I have gained thirty pounds in the last ten years, since retiring from the military reserves.
I love to look at my forty eight inch waist in the mirror in the smallest briefs I can fit into.
Couple this with having a BBW wife, five foot four and over two hundred pounds. She jiggles with every move she makes, just heaven.
Keep eating and gaining!
6 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

I have gained thirty pounds in the last ten years, since retiring from the military reserves.
I love to look at my forty eight inch waist in the mirror in the smallest briefs I can fit into.
Couple this with having a BBW wife, five foot four and over two hundred pounds. She jiggles with every move she makes, just heaven.
Keep eating and gaining!

From one BBW hubby to another, it is indeed “the life.” 😁
6 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

For me I think it’s just being impressed with how they can be able to carry around the extra fluffiness around especially after a big stuffing/bloating. And with the fact that they get turned on by it makes me turned on as well. 👍
6 months

What is it about seeing a body growing large and soft?

For me, I am always amazed at how big people can get. And to see them get larger than that just does something for me. Plus being soft is never a bad thing.
6 months
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