
What does gaining mean to you ?

I was wondering what gaining means to people here ?
Is it because of your philosophy of life, enjoying everything that brings you pleasure to the fullest ? Or maybe you want to lose control because you were tired of always be cautious of what you eat ? Something else ?

I thought about it, about why I was gaining, and I came to the conclusion that it is like regaining control over my body. When I was in a toxic relationship, I felt like I didn't have control at all, my ex was using me for his own pleasure, never thinking about me. So there's this, plus the fact that I like being in control. So by gaining, I am deciding what I want to do with my body. It is mine, no one else's, no one can tell me what to do with it. It is me that decides to over eat, I decide to have one more helping because I want to. It is my choice, I know what I am doing and no one has a right to tell me to stop.
Most of my life I felt out of control, life was always throwing hardships at me. So at least I can control this now.

Some people would have themself tatooed, some over would change their haircut and/or hair color, well for me it is to get fat.

So, tell me about you ? What is your story behind gaining ? What does it mean to you, to gain ?
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

Multiple elements for me too. Growing up, many of the adults in my family and community in general were fat. As a child, part of becoming an adult seemed to be getting fat. To me fat people have more “presence”, so getting fatter over the years makes me see myself as more mature and in charge. Carrying more weight, especially in my belly, gives me a sense of strength and accomplishment.
Also, I love to eat and eating till I am very full. So my increasing weight and fatter belly represents all the yummy food I have consumed.
I also find fat attractive in the opposite sex, so on some level I see myself as more attractive when I gain more weight.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

The pleasure of getting fatter. The joy of watching the scale numbers go up. The sight of my big belly growing. That's most of them.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

Everything, it’s my true happiness, and hope to see the community grow
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

I think people as a whole need to embrace getting fatter. It's a natural thing for most of us even if we're not deliberately overeating.

People need to celebrate the fact that food is abundant and mostly cheap and there's little to no need to do physical labor anymore. There's no reason why we shouldn't indulge ourselves and let our bodies grow fat and soft.

20 years from now, fat will be the norm.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

I think people as a whole need to embrace getting fatter. It's a natural thing for most of us even if we're not deliberately overeating.

People need to celebrate the fact that food is abundant and mostly cheap and there's little to no need to do physical labor anymore. There's no reason why we shouldn't indulge ourselves and let our bodies grow fat and soft.

20 years from now, fat will be the norm.

My dear, fat is already the norm. It's just not accepted.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

There’s still a huge need for physical labor, though. It’s not always a good thing that a lot of us are detached from that. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

I enjoy looking at and feeling my increasing weight. I have had a fascination with weight gain, bellies since before puberty.
I’m old now, one of the few things I like about being old and getting older is the ease of gaining weight! I also like that being heavier is acceptable for older people.
1 year

What does gaining mean to you ?

For me, gaining meant enjoyment and developing a body I felt comfortable in. I feel like myself as an obese person, and I like my physical appearance. I was 200 lb before I started 8th grade, and I hit 300 in high school. The only time I've been under 200 as an adult was a few years back, and I never got below 190, which is still considered obese for a person my height. I didn't like it. Even that was too small for me.
11 months

What does gaining mean to you ?

It’s allowing me to ignore what’s social acceptable and feel truly myself. It’s liberating to let myself go and grow and become soft and sexy. The Greeks painted big soft curvy women and I aspire to look like the women in this classical art that western society loves so much.

And don’t forget the artist Rubens. His depiction of voluptuous women created a new word for their appearance— rubenesque.

I’m so happy for you.

I think our society is sick to worship thinness. Beauty is too big a concept to be contained by a single size or shape.

What is socially acceptable is not what’s always good. It’s just “normal” propped up by “customs” and “just the way things are” thinking.

Look at all the horrible things that are “socially acceptable” — racism, misogyny, love of money, greed, violence, war, death of innocent people, hunger, want, homelessness, theft and deceit by corporations, structural inequity and inequality, bigotry.

I apologize for getting a bit off topic.

Gaining means happiness and freedom to be who you were always meant to be.
11 months