Extreme obesity

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Me but unfortunately, with my bf, who doesn't like it, I won't be able to😔
9 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

yup i would do, maybe weight 1700 bls~
9 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

are there people on this site who want weigh 1000 pounds and over. I am a curious fat admirer who is wondering about very extreme weight gain.

I’m aiming for the big 1000 pounds. It sounds sad to say but i’ve not got many ambitions in life other than to reach 1000 pounds. I’m hoping I will reach it one day
9 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I already weigh over 600 lbs, but I am interested in putting on another 600-900 lbs
9 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

are there people on this site who want weigh 1000 pounds and over. I am a curious fat admirer who is wondering about very extreme weight gain.

Immobile Future:
I’m aiming for the big 1000 pounds. It sounds sad to say but i’ve not got many ambitions in life other than to reach 1000 pounds. I’m hoping I will reach it one day

No its not a sad thing it's a good thing that should be your only goal and ambition
8 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

quadruple digits or bust!
8 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Idk how I haven't seen this sooner but yeah like my main "goal" is to be 700+ pounds fatter, but like I just wanna get fatter so 1000 pounds does sound beautiful x3
8 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Oh I'd love to! Not sure if I will ever succeed haha but I love the sound of it.
Would be amazing if we could modify our bodies in the future that would allow for unlimited gaining!
that would be amazing
5 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Oh I'd love to! Not sure if I will ever succeed haha but I love the sound of it.
Would be amazing if we could modify our bodies in the future that would allow for unlimited gaining!
would love to chat about this
5 months

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl and came across an article about Carol Yager claiming she had once weighed 1,600 lbs. I doubt that it was fact given the article's publisher lol, but a girl can dream ^_^
5 months
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