Fat experiences

Stuffing while eating with family

I was in front of my wife's relatives. Visited with them and talked with them. But when I was eating I was in a state of mindless gluttony. Giving into what my big belly wants.
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

Just enjoy the pleasure stuffing your fat belly brings to you and don't mind about who's watching
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

I had my problems at first. I felt like they wanted me to slow down for my health and didn't want me to take all the food. New solution, bring my own food to eat. And if it's just my day to day life and someone keeps giving me the stare for eating 'too much' I just think to myself, 'Well if you have a problem eating yourself because you have a problem with me doing it, go stuff your face too.' May just whip that at some rude starer someday.
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

This was the first set of holidays in which my gain was unmistakable. My mom asked if I was working out because I looked "more solid" - lol.

I literally ate EVERYTHING put in front of me. Cookies? Yes. More pie? Yes. Would you like to finish off those last three pancakes? Yes.

It was so hot - I know that they must have been fairly curious about what was going on, but they kept putting food in front of me to see when I would tap out. I didn't tap out. Lol
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

I can understand your struggle. This was my second christmas during my weight gain and I think that I still kinda hesitate stuffing myself endlessly while eating with my family. Of course I have eaten well and more than enough during the holidays with them, but I could also definitely eat somewhat more. I think it would be quite weird to unleash my fetish in wront of them.

So leaving some space and not stuffing to the prim during the family dinners, and eating some snacks and delicacies afterwards has been a good arrangement. In that way I can "reach the top" on my own without any inconveniences.

I think that this kind of an approach has worked well in my case.
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

I come from a family of mostly larger people and serving a lot of food and eating a lot at family events is kind of the norm for us. So stuffing my face at a family dinner or BBQ is not awkward and I don’t even think twice about it.
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

Haha my wife’s family a specialty my mother in law is always stuffing me. I feel like she is a light FA. She often rubs the gut of my father in law when he has finished a very solid meal 😂
So it is rather a challenge to finde a way to not go home filled to the max ❤️
If I am in the mood I make the rule that I will not turn down food that is offered to me! Which usually ends up me being extremely full 😂
But they are all at least overweight and none of the is putting the fork down so I don’t have en issue!
6 months

Stuffing while eating with family

I had my problems at first. I felt like they wanted me to slow down for my health and didn't want me to take all the food. New solution, bring my own food to eat. And if it's just my day to day life and someone keeps giving me the stare for eating 'too much' I just think to myself, 'Well if you have a problem eating yourself because you have a problem with me doing it, go stuff your face too.' May just whip that at some rude starer someday.

We need more of this type of push back.

I love it when Karens get called out and shamed in public for not minding their own business!
6 months