
What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me to be forced naked all the time
8 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

Giving in to the hedonism. When someone finally says either they want more fat for the pure joy of it or that they just decide they want to eat as much as they want and gain as a result. Either is great. Just giving into pleasure as the pounds pile on.
8 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

An addiction to cybernetic implants would be hot. What year is it?
8 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me, personally, it would be something like... I meet a feeder - we have a lot of fun for the first few months or so. After 5 months, my weight has gone from 185 to 215... month six is a bit crazier, and at the end of the month I'm 235. I express concerns that I want to level off, and maintain this weight for a bit. I hit the gym, and find it much harder than I thought. Cravings are insane. Every workout makes me ravenous. I cheat here and there, and at the end of the month, I'm frustrated to find I only lost two pounds, down to 233.

The following month, I find things even more difficult, and many workouts are followed up with a burger and fries. To make things worse, my feeder begins rewarding my moments of weakness and gluttony with intense sexual release. And I slowly start to associate overeating with pleasure and reward. I still try to maintain my weight, but at the end of the month, I step on the scale and... "oh no... fuck fuck fuck..." - The scale reads 247.

In that moment, I question if I'll ever lose or even maintain my weight. Maybe I'll plateau somewhere. The past two months have kinda sucked, trying to keep things in check. And for what? To gain another twelve pounds anyway? Why not just lean into it?

I realize I have three hours before I see my feeder. A devilish thought crosses my mind. I wonder how she'll react if I can get myself up to 250 this evening...
8 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me I really love relationship weight gain where you are both so comfortable with each other that you can't help gaining, especially when your partner loves you big too
8 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me I really love relationship weight gain where you are both so comfortable with each other that you can't help gaining, especially when your partner loves you big too

Aww… perfect for Valentines Day!
7 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

Letters And Numbers:
An addiction to cybernetic implants would be hot. What year is it?

I'd rather have a WALL-E scenario, where technology takes care of our every whim and we just have to sit back and relax.
7 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For my case it’s really been a whole “F*ck it!” And just let go without a care in the world. No regrets! And for people who don’t like it they aren’t ever friends anyways.
7 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me, it's when someone grabs the ultimate self-power and deliberately fattens themselves up because they want it.

To me, there is NOTHING hotter than a person intentionally modifying their own body of their own consent and accord - willfully stuffing themselves and gaining with the full intention of being fatter and fatter.

It's like the post above - when a person who has conformed to a body expectation (other's or their own) for so long finally decides to openly rebel against that expectation to the point of extreme.
7 months

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

The secret desire to gain, yet trying hard to “follow the rules”. My husband was secretly a little porker, a plump little delicacy waiting for someone to let him just let go of this insecurity and become the fat little man he is now.

It’s these secret desires that I find irresistible - I love to get them out of these.
6 months
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