
Does anyone else feel like this?

I’m kind of giving up on this community . It’s just difficult to make friends and communicate with people. I actually wanna just enjoy my time.. I wanna be admire for who I am. I want to be encouraged and praised and pushed into the “unthinkable” I find the human life very duel. I want to know what it’s like to actually live in a body where my own weight restricts me. I want to know what it’s like .. to live in a reality where my size is accepted and catered to. I want to explore life comfortably where Food isn’t a problem. Not only that but I also don’t want to be looked at as just a kink. I want it to be a lifestyle. I’ve spent so many years Worrying about how others view me that I haven’t had time to think about what I want or what made me happy in my skin. I just don’t think this community is as realistic as it seems. And that’s just my opinion.

And not to confuse people, I still do want to continue my journey as it is a part of who I am, and it’ll never change. I just feel like as far as the online feederism world has had a major downfall. And there’s a lot of “repetitive’ stuff. I’ve never really met a person that just made my whole interest spark. Except for a few people which was the best experiences ever. But you can’t really find that anymore.

But I’d rather interact with people who also have the same feeling because I feel like there’s a boundary and Lia stand point When you’ve gotten to this point? Hard to explain, but if anyone wants any friends my My discord is blubberbabe
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

Points well taken. It would be wonderful to get some more interaction. I try to post, interact and participate but sometime it feels pretty lonely on here. I'd encourage anyone reading this to reach out to someone. Provided you are decent and polite the worst you could expect is no response, so go for it!
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

Lot of great points made and I do not like as it does appear the site is only kink driven I myself believe that USSBBWS/SSBBWS are the greatest gift the Lord gave man and thus they should be treated as the gifts they are not just a kink or fetishI have loved USSBBWS since learing the difference between boys and girls at age 10 defnitely not a fetish for me and the community seems to be more fetish driven
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

I’m kind of giving up on this community . It’s just difficult to make friends and communicate with people. I actually wanna just enjoy my time.. I wanna be admire for who I am. I want to be encouraged and praised and pushed into the “unthinkable” I find the human life very duel. I want to know what it’s like to actually live in a body where my own weight restricts me. I want to know what it’s like .. to live in a reality where my size is accepted and catered to. I want to explore life comfortably where Food isn’t a problem. Not only that but I also don’t want to be looked at as just a kink. I want it to be a lifestyle. I’ve spent so many years Worrying about how others view me that I haven’t had time to think about what I want or what made me happy in my skin. I just don’t think this community is as realistic as it seems. And that’s just my opinion.

And not to confuse people, I still do want to continue my journey as it is a part of who I am, and it’ll never change. I just feel like as far as the online feederism world has had a major downfall. And there’s a lot of “repetitive’ stuff. I’ve never really met a person that just made my whole interest spark. Except for a few people which was the best experiences ever. But you can’t really find that anymore.

But I’d rather interact with people who also have the same feeling because I feel like there’s a boundary and Lia stand point When you’ve gotten to this point? Hard to explain, but if anyone wants any friends my My discord is blubberbabe and my Snapchat is fatterbyday1 And before I end this post, if you’re gonna add me, please don’t be a creep and do Un consensual things

I think a lot of this comes down to the nature of this community. And when I say "community" I mean kink spaces in general. People join kink communities for many reasons. However, the main reason is to be horny.

With that in mind, the majority of people will see you as a sexual object first and foremost. I have had people of all genders, ethnicities, orientations, and creeds admit to me that they do not see me as a person so much as a means to engage with their fetishes.

If you want to engage with kink space superficially, this is fine. I've done so before, and I had a good time. But if you want someone of quality - someone you connect with on a deep, personal level - that's harder to find.

It's not impossible. I've made a number of deep, meaningful connections with users on this site. I've met friends, lovers, and my current romantic partner on here. But they were diamonds scattered in the trash heap. And I experienced my share of suffering to get where I am now.

If you want to disengage with this space, I totally get it. It's a doozy sometimes. But it is possible to find happiness here. You just have to be firm with your boundaries and manage expectations.
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

I share many of the viewpoints made here,I've been on and off with the site many times.I often struggle trying to find a way to strike up a conversation or to put in effort when it's nothing,but one word replies.Best I can say is you get what you make of it.I find the harder one pushes for something the more unattainable it becomes.Match the energy others are willing to put forth.
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

I think that the loneliness that we feel is a reflection of a larger issue with humanity - that we mistake conversation with connection. Social conversation can LEAD to connection, but if we feel we have walked into a big room with people who share our interests and then don't immediately bond with someone, we get this feeling of "what am I doing wrong?" and "why are all of these other people seeming to interact with the group but not with me?"

It occurs on a lot of social media sites, and I think that part of it stems from a process of posting our own thought and then expecting others to respond, validate, or endorse it.

The benefit of a site like this is that there is a singular common interest that we all share, so you have at least a start with the process of connection, but TRUE connection only comes after you find mutual interest, engagement, or purpose with someone else's passion.

So maybe try posting about random stuff that you are really excited about, and keep updating your thread like a journal? If some other soul sees that it is a topic that they enjoy, then maybe you now have TWO conversation points with which to make a connection?

Sorry you're feeling lonely - we all feel this way from time to time. Just know that you aren't the only one going through these types of feelings, and look for ways to make conversation first - and then connection.

Good luck! If you feel like chatting about something, you can always drop a message!
7 months

Does anyone else feel like this?

You know I do have a lot of mixed feelings about this whole community myself. Not just Feederism but the Kink community as a whole.

I’ve always felt like that I’ve struggled to fit in with everyone. It’s kinda tricky to find yourself a decent connection with somebody or friends or let alone a full on relationship. But I only ended up getting nothing or get hatred from either expressing my opinion or from just my plain existence (especially if it’s from someone who is a particular typing machine *coughs*).

While yes it’s very satisfying to meet someone who has a particular kink in common but sadly I usually end up being empty handed from my experience. Or I would end up falling victim to people trying to take advantage of me for money. Which is something that I’ll never let happen to me again. Now yes I get it that this is also a business, but I want to come here to find some sort of acceptance and satisfaction that it’s okay to like the things that I find attractive towards.

No matter how much pictures and videos that I get to look at. I do sometimes get that craving for a connection with someone. Now yeah, I always like it when someone has the time to write to my inbox and vice versa. As well as commenting on someone’s posts/content. But yeah to make a long story short it’s not easy being someone like me, but at least you are not alone with this.
7 months