
Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

I thought it might be interesting to start a thread about favorite WG sightings. Whether your checking out the opposite sex or same sex, man or women, what catches your eye as evidence of weight gain that you might find as exciting.

I’ll go first. My turn-on is evidence of those first 10 to 30 or 40 pounds. Here are some examples.

1. Relationship weight, especially on display at the beach or local water park. I love to spot a youngish couple, like maybe in their late 20s, who are still wearing the same bathing suits as when they were single and thinner. Only now, he has a soft beer gut bulging over his swim trunks and she is sporting a burgeoning muffin top spilling over her bikini bottoms. As an added bonus, maybe she has an ill-fitting top because her boobs have grown a cup size or two and it is pinching into some back fat.

2. Sweater dresses or other types of clingy dresses that show off an expanding pot belly. A necessary ingredient is the visible indentation of a deep wide belly button, and maybe a panty line. This just drives me wild. It is a signal that there is no body shaper, just a nice soft belly just under a thin layer of clingy cloth.

I remember seeing a lady sporting a full plump belly in a clingy dress waiting to be seated at a nice restaurant. I imagined it would be even rounder after she stuffed herself with a big three course dinner. When she got home, maybe she would pat and rub it and complain that she ate too much. She seemed un self-conscious and even proud to have it on display. Just made me wonder, was she showing it off, knowing it would drive some men crazy.

3. Professional women with too-tight clothes. I like to see a professional woman in slacks and button up blouse with the buttons straining and pants so tight that the zipper is straining and it looks like a seam could blow out if she sat down. I recently leased a new car, and amid the potbellied male salesman was a very hot female. She was about 30 and very attractive. She was wearing gray wool slacks like a man’s suit pants. The kind that don’t stretch. She had a nice bubble butt and a round little pot belly. The pants were so tight, I couldn’t imagine how she could sit down. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I figured that there is no way she bought clothes so tight. She had to have grown into them and is in denial about going up a size or two.

Those are my big three. If anyone is interested, next I’ll list my top sightings at the gym. I would love to hear favorite sightings from others.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Fat People aren’t UFOs or supernatural phenomena wtf “sightings” 😂
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
Fat People aren’t UFOs or supernatural phenomena wtf “sightings” 😂

He’s not exactly talking about fat people, he’s being a voyeur and imagining that various people are showing signs of recent weight gain. So like with UFOs, these sightings might be imagined or otherwise explained. Maybe?
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
Fat People aren’t UFOs or supernatural phenomena wtf “sightings” 😂

Letters And Numbers:
He’s not exactly talking about fat people, he’s being a voyeur and imagining that various people are showing signs of recent weight gain. So like with UFOs, these sightings might be imagined or otherwise explained. Maybe?

What's that thing flying by? A UFO!!! Nah, just a button.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

I thought it might be interesting to start a thread about favorite WG sightings. Whether your checking out the opposite sex or same sex, man or women, what catches your eye as evidence of weight gain that you might find as exciting.

I’ll go first. My turn-on is evidence of those first 10 to 30 or 40 pounds. Here are some examples.

1. Relationship weight, especially on display at the beach or local water park. I love to spot a youngish couple, like maybe in their late 20s, who are still wearing the same bathing suits as when they were single and thinner. Only now, he has a soft beer gut bulging over his swim trunks and she is sporting a burgeoning muffin top spilling over her bikini bottoms. As an added bonus, maybe she has an ill-fitting top because her boobs have grown a cup size or two and it is pinching into some back fat.

2. Sweater dresses or other types of clingy dresses that show off an expanding pot belly. A necessary ingredient is the visible indentation of a deep wide belly button, and maybe a panty line. This just drives me wild. It is a signal that there is no body shaper, just a nice soft belly just under a thin layer of clingy cloth.

I remember seeing a lady sporting a full plump belly in a clingy dress waiting to be seated at a nice restaurant. I imagined it would be even rounder after she stuffed herself with a big three course dinner. When she got home, maybe she would pat and rub it and complain that she ate too much. She seemed un self-conscious and even proud to have it on display. Just made me wonder, was she showing it off, knowing it would drive some men crazy.

3. Professional women with too-tight clothes. I like to see a professional woman in slacks and button up blouse with the buttons straining and pants so tight that the zipper is straining and it looks like a seam could blow out if she sat down. I recently leased a new car, and amid the potbellied male salesman was a very hot female. She was about 30 and very attractive. She was wearing gray wool slacks like a man’s suit pants. The kind that don’t stretch. She had a nice bubble butt and a round little pot belly. The pants were so tight, I couldn’t imagine how she could sit down. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I figured that there is no way she bought clothes so tight. She had to have grown into them and is in denial about going up a size or two.

Those are my big three. If anyone is interested, next I’ll list my top sightings at the gym. I would love to hear favorite sightings from others.

I really like this thread. Yes it is objectifying persons gaining weight and if you are on this site, think about it!

I agree with all "three" observations.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Yea, I love this thread also - and will try to add a few off memory.

1. My wife uses the same White Dove body soap in the shower since forever. I tend to use liquid body washes or a different bar soap on occasion, but never really her soap. When she happened to be at her heaviest or close to it I remembered noticing her Dove bar of soap would seem to become tiny really quick. It would then be replaced and I kept noticing that it would be small in no time, easily she was finishing it up in half the time she used to. It kind of turned me on thinking that her fatter beautiful figure with her weight gain was making her go through her bars of soap so much faster. One day she complained to me that I must be using her soap in the shower because she has been having to buy more so much more frequently. I told her I wasn’t and she kind of had a perplexed look on her face. The sexiest thing was I don’t even think it registered that it may have been because of the 60+ pounds she packed on the last couple of years.
Also sexy, was the fact that she seemed to smell like her bath soap all day and evening where she never smelled this lushes and clean for this long before. I tacked it up to all the extra surface area on her beautiful fattened figure.

2. I like noticing over exaggerated examples of woman that have gained in certain body areas and it has become extremely noticeable. I had an ex girlfriend that had very pretty hands and when she started to pick on the pounds her fingers would get so fat and swollen but still so delectably attractive. She went up multiple sizes in her rings during this fattening. Some of her rings she could not even get off and they would look so tight with her pretty fingers puffed around them.

My wife when we were dating was always gently thick but curvy with a hit of a lower belly roll. Her first time gaining when we were together was so sexy. Her entire body puffed up with her gaining but all of a sudden she developed a huge prominent lower gut that made her look a good 7 months pregnant but was completely soft with a massive lower belly roll. I loved it so much, and she was kind of embarrassed of it. A few of her friends would joke with her about it which would make her shy. Many years later this prominent sexy fat lower gut is a standout for her figure and she seems to display it with her clothing and adores me kissing and playing with it.

3. When my wife and I are getting ready to go out with friends for dinner and drinks and while I come into the walking closet and see her jumping up and down to pull her jeans up over her thighs and then be able to fasten the button with 4 -6” of muffin top and 8-10” of Love handles hanging out while she is exhausted and breathing heavy. I slowly come out of the closet after putting on my shirt and the icing on the cake is when she said “that is getting to be more of a struggle” still breathing heavily her voice crackles a bit while stating that. Oh how sexy she looks in all her way out grown extremely tight jeans. Then it is so cute to see her put on a flow blouse that somewhat covers all her luscious love handles and muffin top to be completely blowing out in the breast area looking way to small on her.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

I just think it’s pretty gross that there’s people fetishizing strangers irl when there’s people in this community who are actively gaining on purpose but whatever enjoy your nut I guess
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
I just think it’s pretty gross that there’s people fetishizing strangers irl when there’s people in this community who are actively gaining on purpose but whatever enjoy your nut I guess

Sorry, I didn’t mean to be offensive. I see that the language I used could be taken that way. My apologies if I offended anyone. I meant this to be light and fun and not to be taken too seriously.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
I just think it’s pretty gross that there’s people fetishizing strangers irl when there’s people in this community who are actively gaining on purpose but whatever enjoy your nut I guess

Sorry, I didn’t mean to be offensive. I see that the language I used could be taken that way. My apologies if I offended anyone. I meant this to be light and fun and not to be taken too seriously.

It's a consent issue.

Like sure. There are things we find attractive. And sometimes you see a stranger that really revvs your engine.

But you gotta admit it's violating to have someone put you in their spank bank like that. Imagine you're going to the bank and then someone digs your vibe. But instead of talking to you, they put you in their spank bank to get off.

Or worse. Maybe someone you know is attracted to you. Maybe you're close. Maybe you're just friends and you are in a relationship with someone else. But instead of respecting your relationship with each other, they masterbate at the thought of you.

Like sure. Maybe you never tell anyone about it. But it's still really creepy.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
I just think it’s pretty gross that there’s people fetishizing strangers irl when there’s people in this community who are actively gaining on purpose but whatever enjoy your nut I guess

What’s gross about being attracted to a person you see day to day? Maybe oversharing online is a little weird, but that’s modern life.
5 months
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