Lifestyle tips

How out of shape i am

Morbidly A Beast:
I walked up a 45 degree incline today and my legs just about stopped working towards the top had to stop and get my breath I don’t think I’ve ever been legitimately winded like that doing such a minimal task

How do you feel about that?

I was not bothered by it emotionally but I realized if I do get much bigger I physically won’t be able to do what I am for much longer so I have to make a choice at some point, sooner than I realize

And by doing and it I mean my job. Granted I do mostly office stuff these days but there’s a lot of field work I gotta get measurements and sometimes I have to do manual labor
8 months

How out of shape i am

When you are used to being so athletic and then trying something you used to easily do and you can’t it’s definitely a fun feeling

7 months

How out of shape i am

Definitely deconditioned. And I'm only riding the line of overweight. I don't think most people realized skinny people can be out of shape too, even if they don't have fat. Currently started working out again this week, but mainly for bulking. I'm enjoying my belly, I just want to build up my upper body some before accumating too much fat
7 months

How out of shape i am

10 months ago I could ruck march 10 miles with an 80 lb pack.

Since, I’ve blown up to 335 lbs, I’m heaving a huge, visceral gut, I can’t walk 100 m without getting puffed. I love it.
7 months

How out of shape i am

I havenet done any exercise for over 7 years now, and i gained so much weight, im litterly getting out of breath from getting socks/shoes on.
I get extrenly winded just by taking the stairs to my bedroom 😅
Honestly its a bit sracy i diddent think it would get this bad so "fast" but on the other side its also pretty hot because it just shows how much of a fatty i am now and how my fat i have gained 🤩
5 months
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