
Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

OP seems to have posted an example pic found online in the public domain. Nobody was identified by name. Mods here exercise appropriate discretion very well compared to other sites.

My wife went with her gf to see Mean Girls this week. Story line in the remake still includes the diet bar sabotage. Guess Hollywood isn't 100% woke.

Bless your heart. At least you tried.

Just because a picture is publicly posted doesn't mean it's in public domain. That's a term reserved for when copyright has expired. Thankfully for OP, he is using this for non-commercial reasons, so that doesn't apply. But law and ethics are two different issues.

Also, someone doesn't have media literacy or understand how Hollywood or "woke" works.

A couple of things. "Woke" is a term created by Jamaican civil rights activist and philosopher Marcus Garvey about being aware to all the ways white supremacy violated and dehumanized people in the Black diaspora. It's been a part of black activism since the 1920s. It entered the mainstream during the height of the BLM movement. From there conservative talking heads perverted the term to mean "people wanting to ruin something good for the sake of diversity". It was a very bold yet effective way to undercut the efforts any activist (or just progressive) trying to improve things for minority groups.

On that note, Hollywood has never been all that woke. The representation it often gives has been white washed and censored for fear of alienated wider (usually straight, white, and/or male audiences). This results in bland, uninspired shows that reinforce the narrative.

However, your average cishet white man is perfectly fine with stories about people that do not look like them so long as the story is good. This has been proven when marginalized voices get to tell their stories the way they want to. The truth is that your average Hollywood exec is deeply bigoted, but wants non-cishet white people to give them money.

Now, back to Mean Girls. It seems you don't have very good media literacy. In the movie, Cady is a new girl that gets wrapped up in a plot to overthrow the Plastics. Cady starts out with decent morals but, over time, she abandons them in the name of social capital. When she secretly fattens Regina, this isn't portrayed to be a good thing.

While the audience might feel some catharsis at Regina being humbled, it's a hollow victory. Cady has become the very thing she sought to destroy, and it's the beginning of the end for her too. In fact, the moral of the entire movie is that you should be true to yourself without tearing down others.

Are there flaws with this movie? Of course. There's no such thing as a perfect movie. But if you think that portraying something bad equals condoning the bad thing, that's a you problem.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

I’ve never been called woke before I didn’t think I would be called woke for saying something along the lines of “secretly fattening someone is wrong” and to get off on it or seeing girls who rejected you getting fat is fucked up. I guess the “woke mob strikes again” “up you’re woke moralists”
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’ve never been called woke before I didn’t think I would be called woke for saying something along the lines of “secretly fattening someone is wrong” and to get off on it or seeing girls who rejected you getting fat is fucked up. I guess the “woke mob strikes again” “up you’re woke moralists”

Welcome to my world. Like I said, a certain flavor of people have perverted the term and now use it to dismiss people for having basic morals.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Terminology is dynamic. Definitions often vary dramatically based on geographic location.

Example: In Australia, "fag" is a slang reference for a cigarette. In the US, it's an (often contextually derogatory) slang reference for a homosexual man.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Terminology is dynamic. Definitions often vary dramatically based on geographic location.

Example: In Australia, "fag" is a slang reference for a cigarette. In the US, it's an (often contextually derogatory) slang reference for a homosexual man.

Are you telling a black woman that she's wrong about how a term her culture created should be used?

Because I was there when bigots on places like Fox News started to use it in a derogatory way. And I am watching how bigots are using it as a dog whistle.

Tell me why people like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are waging a "War on Woke" by attacking historically marginalized groups?

This is not an argument you want to get into with me, my dear. This is a topic firmly within my field of expertise backed up with lived experience. And it's very clear to me that you are not as well-versed.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Terminology is dynamic. Definitions often vary dramatically based on geographic location.

Example: In Australia, "fag" is a slang reference for a cigarette. In the US, it's an (often contextually derogatory) slang reference for a homosexual man.

Are you telling a black woman that she's wrong about how a term her culture created should be used?

Because I was there when bigots on places like Fox News started to use it in a derogatory way. And I am watching how bigots are using it as a dog whistle.

Tell me why people like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are waging a "War on Woke" by attacking historically marginalized groups?

This is not an argument you want to get into with me, my dear. This is a topic firmly within my field of expertise backed up with lived experience. And it's very clear to me that you are not as well-versed.

If you want to know Ron DeSantis' reasoning for his agenda, you'll have to ask him directly. I can't comprehend why he sees himself as some sort of David going against the very Goliath that put him on the map. I'd sum Ron up as impatient and duplicitous.

Words have different meanings in different regions. Just because a term originates in a particular culture doesn't preclude others from utilizing it for a different purpose.

Perhaps some folks associated with BLM may be to blame for associating the term "woke" with the criminal leftist, Marxist movement and globalist agenda attempting to destroy traditional western republics. Not all BLM chapters are in unison with supporting this agenda.

BLM RI's senior director Mark Fisher endorsed President Trump ahead of the upcoming election. Mr. Fisher understands the merits of liberty and equality versus subjugation and equity.

As for Fox News, I doubt they wield much influence any longer, particularly after having abandoned their core demographic over the last few years. Cable news in general is out of touch with today's news consumer, as evidenced by their aggregate ratings decline.

Woke by and large never meant to most Americans what it meant in in post-colonial Jamaica. To pretend others in contemporary western society, particularly the low-information masses, will associate the term with its original definition is delusional.

Think of how the term "Jeep" is often used to refer to any off-road vehicle, whether or not it's actually a Jeep product. "Kleenex" is another example. It's commonly known to most Americans to reference facial tissue, regardless of the manufacturer. Most folks have no idea the origin of a brand or term.

Today's brand of "woke" is being rejected en masse. Disney's revenue is down. Target's stock is down. AB InBev is desperately trying to disassociate their Bud Light brand from a marketing campaign which drove beer consumers away in droves, now pushing patriotic themes instead. Argentina and Taiwan just elected nationalist leaders, dealing a huge blow to the leftist global elite. People the world over are fed up.

I get it, you're steadfast in your disagreement with my viewpoints. You might even despise me as a person. These are your God-given rights as an American citizen, as described in our Bill of Rights!

This was supposed to be a thread about young fit women getting obese after entering the workforce.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Terminology is dynamic. Definitions often vary dramatically based on geographic location.

Example: In Australia, "fag" is a slang reference for a cigarette. In the US, it's an (often contextually derogatory) slang reference for a homosexual man.

Are you telling a black woman that she's wrong about how a term her culture created should be used?

Because I was there when bigots on places like Fox News started to use it in a derogatory way. And I am watching how bigots are using it as a dog whistle.

Tell me why people like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are waging a "War on Woke" by attacking historically marginalized groups?

This is not an argument you want to get into with me, my dear. This is a topic firmly within my field of expertise backed up with lived experience. And it's very clear to me that you are not as well-versed.

If you want to know Ron DeSantis' reasoning for his agenda, you'll have to ask him directly. I can't comprehend why he sees himself as some sort of David going against the very Goliath that put him on the map. I'd sum Ron up as impatient and duplicitous.

Words have different meanings in different regions. Just because a term originates in a particular culture doesn't preclude others from utilizing it for a different purpose.

Perhaps some folks associated with BLM may be to blame for associating the term "woke" with the criminal leftist, Marxist movement and globalist agenda attempting to destroy traditional western republics. Not all BLM chapters are in unison with supporting this agenda.

BLM RI's senior director Mark Fisher endorsed President Trump ahead of the upcoming election. Mr. Fisher understands the merits of liberty and equality versus subjugation and equity.

As for Fox News, I doubt they wield much influence any longer, particularly after having abandoned their core demographic over the last few years. Cable news in general is out of touch with today's news consumer, as evidenced by their aggregate ratings decline.

Woke by and large never meant to most Americans what it meant in in post-colonial Jamaica. To pretend others in contemporary western society, particularly the low-information masses, will associate the term with its original definition is delusional.

Think of how the term "Jeep" is often used to refer to any off-road vehicle, whether or not it's actually a Jeep product. "Kleenex" is another example. It's commonly known to most Americans to reference facial tissue, regardless of the manufacturer. Most folks have no idea the origin of a brand or term.

Today's brand of "woke" is being rejected en masse. Disney's revenue is down. Target's stock is down. AB InBev is desperately trying to disassociate their Bud Light brand from a marketing campaign which drove beer consumers away in droves, now pushing patriotic themes instead. Argentina and Taiwan just elected nationalist leaders, dealing a huge blow to the leftist global elite. People the world over are fed up.

I get it, you're steadfast in your disagreement with my viewpoints. You might even despise me as a person. These are your God-given rights as an American citizen, as described in our Bill of Rights!

This was supposed to be a thread about young fit women getting obese after entering the workforce.

If you feel so strongly about this, then maybe you should stop using all these dog whistles.

You made a number of claims in your posts. All of them are deeply misinformed as to what is happening. And ignorance is hardly an excuse when you are capable of researching what's going on.

But this will take multiple posts to address.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

If you want to know Ron DeSantis' reasoning for his agenda, you'll have to ask him directly. I can't comprehend why he sees himself as some sort of David going against the very Goliath that put him on the map. I'd sum Ron up as impatient and duplicitous.

Ron's reasons for his War on Woke are extremely well documented. To be frank, the man's a fascist. Just look at all the things he's doing:

He wants to be president, and he is using his current office to demonstrate how he plans to run the rest of the country. And the funny thing is that while he's made "wokeness" central to his campaign, he and those in his corner cannot (or rather refuse) to define the term.

This is not an accident. Those who wage war on "wokism" refuse to define the term so they can call anything they don't like "woke". It's fascism 101.

On that note, I am very curious as to what you think he's being impatient about.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Words have different meanings in different regions. Just because a term originates in a particular culture doesn't preclude others from utilizing it for a different purpose.

This is a very interesting take. No one is saying that others outside of a culture can't use terms and words from another. That's how language works. However, what you are saying, how you are saying it, and why you are saying it makes a very big difference.

Let's take the word you brought up earlier. Fag - a slur or a cigarette. You asked why it's not universally a slur? Simple. Because the term for cigarettes predates the slur.

Here's an article with more information about that:

Now let's circle back to the word "woke". As I stated before, Marcus Garvey created the term as part of the wider pan-Africanism movement. This movement was all about blacks in the diaspora fighting colonialism, hate crimes, and general bigotry. It's something that black activists coined and still use to this day. Other activists for different causes started to use the term as well.

People were fine with that. Encouraged it even. Woke became a phrased the disempowered, oppressed, and disenfranchised used in the name of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Then bigots who did not want to see minority groups thrive started to the world to disempower us. I'd argue that it's a fairly un-American thing to do. They decried wokism as people pushed for the right not to be murder by the cops, not to be lynched, the right to justice, to have the government stay out of their healthcare and bedrooms, and more.

Remember that the war on "woke" started when people protested police brutality. The anti-woke crowd saw people protesting people in their communities being murdered by corrupt government officials and being denied the right to a fair trial.

And I know what that's like personally. One time, when I was 22, I was walking home from buying water at the corner store. I was stopped by 3 cops with their hands on their guns . They were smirking at me - as if they wanted me to give them reason to use it. They didn't tell me why they ganged up on me until towards the end. They said I fit the description of a "suspect" that didn't even look like me. We were different colors, had different hair, and different heights.

I was scared I'd end up in a body bag in front of my home all because some cops wanted to play God. And I never committed a crime a day in my life.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Perhaps some folks associated with BLM may be to blame for associating the term "woke" with the criminal leftist, Marxist movement and globalist agenda attempting to destroy traditional western republics. Not all BLM chapters are in unison with supporting this agenda.

BLM RI's senior director Mark Fisher endorsed President Trump ahead of the upcoming election. Mr. Fisher understands the merits of liberty and equality versus subjugation and equity.

There are layers to this one. I'll start with the second one first.

The situation with Mark Fisher is an interesting on. This did happen, but the RI chapter of BLM didn't agree with him. In fact, in spite of his claims, he wasn't a cofounder of the chapter. In fact, it appears he was fired from the group in 2022. And while there are black Trump supporters (black people are not a monolith), the RI BLM chapter does not support his campaign.

Now to address the first part.

Everything you said is a series of dog-whistles. Like ... a lot of racist dog whistles. I'm not necessarily saying you understand why they are dog whistles. Most people who use them don't realize they are. And that's the point.

Here's some information about the more common dog whistles in use:

This is a quick and dirty introduction to what dog whistles are and how they work.

Also, I just want to point out that when your humanization and liberation is not accepted by wider society, it's going to be at odds and discouraged by the powers that be.
4 months
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