Lifestyle tips

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

With weight gain I know there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of, knees, back, healthy body function, etc. I don’t want to struggle and feel miserable if I gain weight and put my life at risk, so I want to keep working my body while gaining weight. Is yoga good to stay in good health or would the gym be better?
The gym environment just kind of stresses me out, I could easily do yoga at home.
6 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

With weight gain I know there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of, knees, back, healthy body function, etc. I don’t want to struggle and feel miserable if I gain weight and put my life at risk, so I want to keep working my body while gaining weight. Is yoga good to stay in good health or would the gym be better?
The gym environment just kind of stresses me out, I could easily do yoga at home.

Both are good. If you'd rather do yoga over the gym, that's fine. Just make sure you get your cardio in somehow. Walking can be an easy, non-gym fix for that.
6 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

I sure do love my yoga! It’s always nice to try and stay flexible and be with your mind and spirit.
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Pilates is also really good
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Yoga is nice
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Any movement that you enjoy doing on a consistent basis is the right one for you! 🌟✨️
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Is swimming or water aerobics an option? That is great exercise for fat people.
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Yoga is really good exercise for body and mind
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

I do yoga and aqua aerobics once a week and it makes me feel better to get my body moving. Aqua aerobics is just fun where I go so it doesn’t really feel like exercise and yoga is really good for maintaining flexiblility and stretching. I avoid cardio as much as possible, but I do lift from time to time lol
5 months

Is yoga a good way to stay healthy or should the gym be a priority?

Yoga is awesome for your health and will certainly benefit no matter your size. Any kind of movement is good and you don’t have to go crazy working out 6-7 intense hours a week to get the benefits of exercise.
5 months