Lifestyle tips

How to get soft puffy fat.

Hello, I am a male trying to get more fluffy fat. I’m almost 300 lbs but it’s pretty solid. How do I get soft fat?!
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

In my experience the first time I gained it was more a hard fat kind of fat.
I lost aprox 200 lbs at one point then slowly regained the weight but this time it was softer fat and was more fat in the belly, hips, butt and thighs.
Don't know why the fat came back fluffier/ puffier but I was so glad it did.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Hello, I am a male trying to get more fluffy fat. I’m almost 300 lbs but it’s pretty solid. How do I get soft fat?!

Couple things to keep in mind.

Your milage may vary. Some people are more prone to gain visceral fat over subcutaneous fat due to hormones and genes. As such, you may see limited or no changes to your fat composition.

That said, I've found success with my feedees getting squishy by pairing a high calorie diet of mostly healthy foods with exercise. When you burn fat, your body will burn your visceral fat before it burns your subcutaneous fat.

There's also evidence that unsaturated fat is more likely to form subcutaneous fat and saturated fat causes viceral fat. It is not currently clear as to why.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

A lot has to do with one's genetics.
I have an Aunt who is very heavy and she is flabby and so was my great Grandmother.
I guess that has a lot to do with me being so flabby.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

I’m in the genetics camp on it as well. My belly is visceral and hard, just like all the men on both sides of my family who have huge beer bellies. My wife’s fat is soft and flabby, like all the women on her dad’s side.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Heavy cream. Look at any post about people’s results with heavy cream: it always mentions super soft jiggly fat and people say they’ve never been so soft even if they’ve been that weight before.

I got flabby with this. Huge amount of heavy cream will help you gain flabbier fat.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Is this true? I never realised there was a difference. I don't know what type of fat I have!
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Hello, I am a male trying to get more fluffy fat. I’m almost 300 lbs but it’s pretty solid. How do I get soft fat?!

Tbh we were kinda under the impression it was just a person by person thing as we eat the same thing but one of us has softer more jiggly fat and the other still soft but more taught.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Hello, I am a male trying to get more fluffy fat. I’m almost 300 lbs but it’s pretty solid. How do I get soft fat?!

i unintentionally have gotten soft fat, and its from losing and gaining weight, ive went from 250 to 200 and then in the past 7 months ive acciedentally let myself balloon up to 270 and now that i noticed its too late 😭 but all of my fat is really squishy and jiggly now and it hangs down below my pants, constantly am feeling jiggles when i move now 😭 so basically losing and regaining should do it

This is another one of those "your milage may vary" type things. There are people who've gotten fluffy after they lose and regain - especially if they've done it more than once. But some people keep their ball bellies no matter how often they regain.
1 year

How to get soft puffy fat.

Heavy cream. Look at any post about people’s results with heavy cream: it always mentions super soft jiggly fat and people say they’ve never been so soft even if they’ve been that weight before.

I agree about the heavy cream. Have as much as your digestion can handle about 30 minutes before bed. A bonus is if you have a belly, it'll feel comfortable to sleep letting it hang to the side on the bed, sleeping on your side. Another way to notice growing fatness. And you can go to sleep thinking about getting fatter. I feel heavy cream has added a nice soft rim around my growing apron and live handles. And I'm just softer and more rounded. I had to stop it while traveling for a few months and I didn't get that as much, so I think it is from the heavy cream.

I also find rice pudding helpful.

More estrogen and estrogenic herbs can also help bring on softer fat. But in a man, it might bring on moobs, so that's up to the individual.
1 year
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