
Story behind your username?

In Vino Veritas. Latin for, "In wine, there is truth."

The Romans believed all great decisions should be deliberated on twice. Once while sober, the other while drinking wine.

I always took that to mean that someone is much more likely to tell the truth and not hold back anything if they're sloshed.
4 months

Story behind your username?

Either my name is purple and my favorite color is Jade or my name is Jade and my favorite color is purple…
4 months

Story behind your username?

I wanted my screen name to be fatisfun, but it was taken. So I went with fatforfun because getting fat is better if you're having fun at it.
4 months

Story behind your username?

Travi$ Scott fan
4 months

Story behind your username?

Mine is self-explanatory. No fancy, special story behind it.

Although, I can just as easily say "Fat" in place of "Chubby."
4 months

Story behind your username?

Not really. Sometimes I am a brat. Mostly I just like themes of force, coercion, and CNC
4 months

Story behind your username?

Mines is a mix between my name, hobby, and a anime reference.

If you think you know, tell me your guess for fun. Lol
3 months

Story behind your username?

My name is Marie and I'm trans, ta-da

Are you sure? I think we need more context.
3 months

Story behind your username?

My name is Marie and I'm trans, ta-da

Are you sure? I think we need more context.

That's cringe of you.
3 months

Story behind your username?

My name is Marie and I'm trans, ta-da

Are you sure? I think we need more context.

That's cringe of you.

Me? No worries, she know I was joking. 😀
3 months
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