Food and recipes

Need an easy to eat calorie bomb

I need something that is either always ready to eat or very easy to prepeare that goes down fast and is high in calories.
I kinda lost my appetite to stuff myselfe regulary like I usually did up to 150 kilos and am struggeling to gain anything at the moment.
I tried some meal replacement drinks or bars that do have alot of calories for their size, but those usually fill quite quickly (as they are suppose to as a meal replacement)

I tried those for a while but at some point got way too sick of them and couldnt bring myselfe to eat/drink those anymore. Same with weight gain / protein powder.

I was hoping there would be a drink that is basically just liquid chocolate, so ~500 calories in 100 grams or a bit more so its not so thick, but couldnt find any.

I also already eat stuff like peanuts and chips for empty calories, but again if I would eat those a ton I can see myselfe not being able to eat them after a week or two...

I would love idealy something that doesnt lie heavy in the stomache and also doesnt have a strong taste, just enough for it to not be tasteless but still weak enough that I wont get sick of it any time soon. Does something like that exist?
9 months

Need an easy to eat calorie bomb

I mean liquid is way easier you can make shake using cream and flavoring adjust for thickness, taste, and calories. I mean if you just do 2 cups cream, 2 cups milk, and some chocolate or sugar to sweeten. It’s easy to get down and usually 2000 calories or more. I usually have a 3000+ calorie shake that is mainly cream and milk.
9 months

Need an easy to eat calorie bomb

I mix 50/50 or 1:3 (depending on how my stomach’s feeling) heavy cream and chocolate milk. Super easy to prepare, inoffensive flavor (not as chocolatey as you might hope, but no strong cream flavor either). Even in its lowest-calorie 1:3 form, it makes a very fattening drink even in a small glass. Lately, since bigger portions have caused me stomach upset in the past, I’ve been having 1 cup chocolate milk mixed with 1/2 cup cream. It’s a tiny glass that’s easy to chug in moments and still has 600 calories. It DOES lay heavy in your stomach the first couple times you drink it, but I’ve gotten used to it quickly and even still feel hungry after drinking it sometimes.
9 months

Need an easy to eat calorie bomb

I mean liquid is way easier you can make shake using cream and flavoring adjust for thickness, taste, and calories. I mean if you just do 2 cups cream, 2 cups milk, and some chocolate or sugar to sweeten. It’s easy to get down and usually 2000 calories or more. I usually have a 3000+ calorie shake that is mainly cream and milk.

What is "cream"? Im german so I dont fully understand what that is. Do you mean "heavy cream"? Like the stuff some use in coffee instead of shugar?
9 months

Need an easy to eat calorie bomb

"Cream" ist "Sahne auf deutsch. "Heavy cream" entspricht "Konditorsahne", die hat dann einen höheren Fettgehalt, dann steht sie beim Backen besser, steht im Kühlregal ;-P

P.S.: is only translated into German, there nothing special in my post :-)
4 months