
This site has been around a long time.

Good to see it’s still here after all these years. Well done, admin and moderators.
Sometimes I wonder about things like the database must be huge at this point. Not to mention all the web files. Must be expensive to host. Sometimes I wonder how these sites can afford to stay online. Must be a massive server running this place
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

The 20th anniversary of FF was just the other day, recently. User IDs are 6 digits now, over 500,000 in fact.

However, as user accounts get deleted the numbers aren't recycled, so that doesn't mean there's half a million members. Would be cool if there were, though.

Only place I know of that's been around for even longer, and is still technically around is Dimensions.

I have no idea how many gigabytes or more likely, terabytes of pictures, videos, posts, stories, and other content there is now, but it's likely considerable.
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

Glad FF is still here.
Dimensions used to be OK but I can't get into my account anymore.
I have been here for 14 years in total.
Left for a few years and came back.
Again I'm so glad FF is still running.
Got to thinking when I first came on here IIRC I was around 225 lbs.
I have to give credit to a few nice guys and ladies on here that gave me their tips on gaining plus the messages of encouragement.
That really helped to help me to stay with it and keep gaining.
I am a very happy 440+ lbs now and love it.
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

I'm glad this site is still online. This was the first feederism community I joined in 2010. I was 20 years old when I joined, I'm glad I found this place. smiley
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

Ooh I like this voting idea!! Totally every profile is real here πŸ˜‰

Until cliques form and then those users will vote "fake" en-masse on a particular target that's on the shitlist of the clique as a form of "griefing."

That's why such a voting system can't be put in place. You can still "vote" fake by reporting a profile. While that's not a guarantee of removal, the odds are very good if the profile is a scammer.

I do miss the maps, but I would guess whatever API was used broke, and an appropriate replacement was never identified.
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

Cliques are too much like high school.
Dimensions for some was like a competition.
I never felt that way and was just there to make friends that would accept chubby people.
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

Ooh I like this voting idea!! Totally every profile is real here πŸ˜‰

Until cliques form and then those users will vote "fake" en-masse on a particular target that's on the shitlist of the clique as a form of "griefing."

That's why such a voting system can't be put in place. You can still "vote" fake by reporting a profile. While that's not a guarantee of removal, the odds are very good if the profile is a scammer.

I do miss the maps, but I would guess whatever API was used broke, and an appropriate replacement was never identified.

You're right about the clique thing. While I've never been a target of such a thing, I've seen it happen to other people. You'd be surprised how organized people can get when they have a common target.

It can happen to any one for any reason, but the most common reason is feedee/gainer content creators who refused men's advances. If you truly believe a profile is fake, it's best to email admin and let them deal with it.
11 months

This site has been around a long time.

I too was here many years before my current profile date.

I remember a little game being here where you would feed someone and try to make them fatter. I think it was a flash based game as I recall. Anyone remember this?
11 months