
Girl scout cookies

Just curious what everyone’s favorites are. Mine are Samoas. The Girl Scouts are definitely making bank off me every year around this time. Also, had a good laugh when I saw the serving size of “2 cookies”, more like 1/2 to 1 box!😋
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Tagalongs followed by Samoas.

But this post made me sad I'm in the UK now and won't get either 😭
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Samoas all the way
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only feedee in the world who doesn't have a sweet tooth, lol. I can't remember the last time I ate chocolate, cookies, brownies, cake, donuts, pancakes, waffles, ice cream, pie, etc. Even when I cook (which is very often because it's one of my favorite hobbies), I literally never use sugar. I'm just not particularly fond of sweetness for whatever reason.

That being said, I do love fresh fruit, and I also really like candy (has to be sour though; stuff like Swedish Fish is too sweet). But overall I definitely tend to gravitate toward savory foods. And I eat way too much salt, haha. Pickles, olives, country ham, anchovies straight from the can...yum.
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Oh my God I love the Thin Mints. Alas I don't really have access right now; no such coworkers.

Fun fact... the vast majority of the sales do NOT come from the actual girl scouts asking folks to buy. Instead, something like 95%+ of the sales come from their parents asking coworkers to order and buy.

Might be a good thing though.. because otherwise I'd probably get so many boxes, because I will end up demolishing the entire box in one sitting.
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Thin Mints, all day every day.

Also Tagalongs. And Do-si-does. Hell, even sometimes Trefoils (I’m a big Girl Scout cookie fan tbh)
4 months

Girl scout cookies

I’m a leader lmao >_> my house has 900 boxes of cookies in it right now, talk about self control!

I love a good old fashioned Trefoil, I’m not big on sweets and they’re so well balanced. Crisp and buttery and just the tiniest bit of salt at the end of the sugar 😍

Then dosidos, the peanut butter sandwich ones with the oatmeal cookie outsides.

If y’all get adventurefuls, they’re like the very crispy edge of the brownie, my hot tip is microwave em for 10 seconds!
4 months

Girl scout cookies

Oh my God I love the Thin Mints. Alas I don't really have access right now; no such coworkers.

Fun fact... the vast majority of the sales do NOT come from the actual girl scouts asking folks to buy. Instead, something like 95%+ of the sales come from their parents asking coworkers to order and buy.

Might be a good thing though.. because otherwise I'd probably get so many boxes, because I will end up demolishing the entire box in one sitting.

This honestly depends! I don’t think it’s close to 95% lol. I watch these girls work their cookies off doing wagons and booths! But some parents are indeed pretty aggressive with sales while their kids couldn’t care less 😂

The highest sellers though, the 2000+ box girls it’s always the girl! With their little business cards and door hangers and such, bless ‘em.
4 months

Girl scout cookies

I’m a leader lmao >_> my house has 900 boxes of cookies in it right now, talk about self control!

I love a good old fashioned Trefoil, I’m not big on sweets and they’re so well balanced. Crisp and buttery and just the tiniest bit of salt at the end of the sugar 😍

Then dosidos, the peanut butter sandwich ones with the oatmeal cookie outsides.

If y’all get adventurefuls, they’re like the very crispy edge of the brownie, my hot tip is microwave em for 10 seconds!

I’d be forcing people to take the thin mints because every box would be in my freezer waiting to be eaten rn lol. That’s some good self control!
4 months