
Good methods for bloating

What are good methods for bloating without too much calories? I love the feeling being full
5 months

Good methods for bloating

Soda for sure is the way to go. If you’re worried about calories/sugar content I would recommend either zero calorie sodas, or even better, choosing soda with lots of carbonation so they fill you up more easily.

I think the most carbonated sodas are Dr Pepper and sprite, so I would recommend those
4 months

Good methods for bloating

Mentos and Diet Coke is a good one. Doesn't work for everyone, though, surprisingly. Or replace the Mentos with Alka Seltzer. I personally haven't tried that one but I've heard it works, too.
4 months

Good methods for bloating

sprite and bananas forsure, its a very quick reaction and good before meals too.
4 months

Good methods for bloating

sprite and bananas forsure, its a very quick reaction and good before meals too.

Any tips for someone wanting to try it? I'm thinking about giving it a shot!
3 months

Good methods for bloating

sprite and bananas forsure, its a very quick reaction and good before meals too.

Any tips for someone wanting to try it? I'm thinking about giving it a shot!

start with having 1 banana then 1 bottle of sprite, if you do this too quickly (say within one min) theres a very good chance you Will throw up. As soon as you drink some sprite, you can already feel alot of gas start foaming, so just go at a steady comfortable pace.
3 months

Good methods for bloating

3 months

Good methods for bloating

What are good methods for bloating without too much calories? I love the feeling being full
Sparkling water that would be. Gives a good bloat due to all the carbon and has 0 calories.
3 months