Lifestyle tips

My secret little fattening addition

This might be obvious but omg the power of cream cheese! It’s such a great fattening food, you can put it on literally anything and copious amounts too. It’s so easy for me to just down 5 bagels smothered in cream cheese and it equates to soo many calories. Just recently I put a whole block on a sandwich and it was divine. And then of course you can use it as a dip for making pretty much anything fatter. I just love it so much.
Its definitely going to start to make its mark on my belly soon and I don’t care! I want more! Let me know if there’s any other ways I should be using it that I’m missing! 🤤
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

If you like scrambled eggs a tasty recipe is around a tbs of butter and creamcheese per egg. Melt the butter and cream cheese in a pan (make sure the cream cheese is in bits so it melts a little better) once the butter is melted you can add the scrambled eggs to the pan and cook it then season it too taste. Its really tasty and easy to make
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

If you like scrambled eggs a tasty recipe is around a tbs of butter and creamcheese per egg. Melt the butter and cream cheese in a pan (make sure the cream cheese is in bits so it melts a little better) once the butter is melted you can add the scrambled eggs to the pan and cook it then season it too taste. Its really tasty and easy to make

Ooh I've never tried it in eggs I'll definitely have to!
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

Cream cheese & hot Cheetos are going to leave a stretch mark or two.
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

This might be obvious but omg the power of cream cheese! It’s such a great fattening food, you can put it on literally anything and copious amounts too. It’s so easy for me to just down 5 bagels smothered in cream cheese and it equates to soo many calories. Just recently I put a whole block on a sandwich and it was divine. And then of course you can use it as a dip for making pretty much anything fatter. I just love it so much.
Its definitely going to start to make its mark on my belly soon and I don’t care! I want more! Let me know if there’s any other ways I should be using it that I’m missing! 🤤

My new "go to" is melted cream cheese with salsa, then mix shredded 4-cheese mexican blend into it for an amazing, addicting, and fattening Tostito dip. The salt, the crunch, the creamy salsa with cheese...
5 months

My secret little fattening addition

I melt half a block of cream cheese into cooked pasta with some butter and a couple spoons of tomato sauce and it makes the creamiest sauce.
4 months

My secret little fattening addition

This might be obvious but omg the power of cream cheese! It’s such a great fattening food, you can put it on literally anything and copious amounts too. It’s so easy for me to just down 5 bagels smothered in cream cheese and it equates to soo many calories. Just recently I put a whole block on a sandwich and it was divine. And then of course you can use it as a dip for making pretty much anything fatter. I just love it so much.
Its definitely going to start to make its mark on my belly soon and I don’t care! I want more! Let me know if there’s any other ways I should be using it that I’m missing! 🤤

My new "go to" is melted cream cheese with salsa, then mix shredded 4-cheese mexican blend into it for an amazing, addicting, and fattening Tostito dip. The salt, the crunch, the creamy salsa with cheese...

Omg this sounds dangerous!! 😳🤤🤤
4 months

My secret little fattening addition

Avocados are pretty caloric at 250 cals each and have good fats
3 months

My secret little fattening addition

😊 🤔ye shame they don't taste better though!
3 months

My secret little fattening addition

😊 🤔ye shame they don't taste better though!

Just add seasoning. Problem solved.
3 months
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