
What ya listening to?

5 months

What ya listening to?

Church of the Cosmic Skull - Evil In Your Eye

5 months

What ya listening to?

Weird shit

Rude! >smiley
5 months

What ya listening to?

Was talking about what I listen to

Oh that’s okay what’s the weird stuff you like
5 months

What ya listening to?

Currently my fav find of the week is All I Need-Radiohead off the album In Rainbows smiley
5 months

What ya listening to?

Currently my fav find of the week is All I Need-Radiohead off the album In Rainbows smiley

In rainbows is amazing

But it’s no Okay Computer or Kid A imo
5 months

What ya listening to?

The Doors - Tell All the People

4 months

What ya listening to?

If it’s music, definitely Wind Rose
If it’s YouTube, Smii7y or Penguinz0
If it’s sounds… I’m working so the sound of pizza being made I guess 😂
4 months

What ya listening to?

It's a Junior Dad kind of morning

4 months

What ya listening to?

If it’s music, definitely Wind Rose
If it’s YouTube, Smii7y or Penguinz0
If it’s sounds… I’m working so the sound of pizza being made I guess 😂

I like this format
music: regina spektor
Youtube: tale foundry
I'm also listening to the audiobook of mistborn, i already read it but i'm listening to it to read the sequels later
4 months
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