
Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it

It’s kinda impossible for people to gain weight without people noticing and even if and when they do it’s not really that big of a deal.

The conversation will go something like this; “you gained weight” and you’ll say “yeah I guess I did haha” and unless they are butthole that will be the extent of it. People aren’t out to hurt your feelings about your weight, some people will try their diet or give you diet advice just say thanks and ignore em unless they are mean or degrading then it’s time to set boundaries with the person
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?

Friendly reminder that you are 18 now. They can't make you do anything.
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?

Your body is YOURS. If you love yourself at a larger size and want to gain, do it for YOU. Love your body, and enjoy yourself.
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?

Friendly reminder that you are 18 now. They can't make you do anything.

But I still live with my parents
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?

Friendly reminder that you are 18 now. They can't make you do anything.

But I still live with my parents

Still an adult. And as such, they have no legal right to your bodily autonomy.

That said, I highly recommend securing income so you can buy your own food if possible. That way, they can't harp on you for eating up all their food.
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it


I have always been chubby and I have self-consciousness until now, I have tried all the diets to lose weight since I was very little, today I accept and I love my fat and flabby body. would like to gain even more weight but I'm afraid that my family and friends will comment and put me on a diet (this has already happened) How I could gain weight without them noticing?

Friendly reminder that you are 18 now. They can't make you do anything.

But I still live with my parents

Still an adult. And as such, they have no legal right to your bodily autonomy.

That said, I highly recommend securing income so you can buy your own food if possible. That way, they can't harp on you for eating up all their food.

Echo this... Part time job, freelancing, Up work... It *IS* reasonable that you expect to contribute to expenses you incur. It is *NOT* someone else's right to demand your body look a certain way.

That said, I do understand. And realistically, it is a balance. What do you find exciting and hot? What do you find reasonable for your daily life and budget? How much judgment are you willing to tolerate? Are you ready to face it? Know wherever you are in your journey is okay.

But if you are ready to take the leap, good for you. Your body only belongs to you, even if you find the love of your life. Wishing you the very best.
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it

I didn’t gain like other people did it was mostly on accident starting out but I didn’t really until I was out of my parents house and and got a decent job after school I remember to this day getting off work one day, on pay day and getting myself 2 Big Macs because 1.) I could 2.) I could afford it. It’s stuff like that that grows on ya to the point where 2 Big Macs is like “ I ate today?”

Point is, your own own person it’s your body but also it might not be time yet.
9 months

Gain weight without my loved one noticing it

How do you plan to gain weight, and no one notice it? Especially a loved on who will probably see you undressed. If you want to be fat, and your loved one doesn't, it sounds like you are not compatible. This is on top of your family not liking it. Live on your own, pay for all of your expenses and gain what you like. But remember the people you know do not have to like it, and your loved one is not required to stay with you.
9 months