Fat experiences

Feedee regret

Is there any evidence you'd accept that a particular on-line feedee has gained and regrets it?

Your not being very fair she was talking about a specific instance, a particular; and now you’re talking about all feedees.
9 months

Feedee regret

Couchqueen on Curvage claims to regret it. She started gaining to please her boyfriend and make some money and now she can't stop gaining. Hot and sad at the same time!

Morbidly A Beast:
I’m pretty sure that video was rp and she just enjoys the humiliation/ruination part of gaining, could be wrong

Quite possible. But I think there's an element of truth to it. At one point she did lose some weight and then gained it back, which suggests she can't help but gain, which confirms her story.

It confirms nothing, tbh. I'm not saying you're wrong. But people can lose weight for a lot of other reasons too.

Is there any evidence you'd accept that a particular on-line feedee has gained and regrets it?

Yup. If they make a statement that's clearly not playing into a scene where they say explicitly they regret gaining weight.
9 months

Feedee regret

Let us turn the statement around.
A woman that sells sex for money is still a prostitute (whore, one could call it), regardless if she happens to be (or pretend to be) a feedee.
And there are plenty of them here.

Not to be rude, but I am confused by what your point is.
9 months

Feedee regret

Yeah, these money whores usually end up with a lot of regrets. I’m honestly tired of encountering them.

No need for that kind of language.

A feedee that gains for money is still a feedee. Do you honestly believe that all of the feedist models and other sex workers are into this kink? I promise you that some of them got into this for the money and nothing else. It's the same with any other kind of fetish out there.

Now, it is annoying to encounter entitled people who demand everyone that gives them money. But guess what? Some of those women are people that have a fat fetish.

The truth of the matter is that people get into fat fetish content for a lot of reasons. Usually, this person is already fat and is either fine with it or is struggling to lose the weight. Once they find out there's a community of people who think fat women are hot, they pop over.

So long as they aren't being an ass about it, who cares? Let them live. The end result for you is the same regardless of if she has the kink or not.

Let us turn the statement around.
A woman that sells sex for money is still a prostitute (whore, one could call it), regardless if she happens to be (or pretend to be) a feedee.
And there are plenty of them here.

A person who poses for pictures and videos and monetizes that is typically called a model, not a prostitute. HTH. And that’s people of any gender, not just women. Even adult entertainers are not by definition prostitutes. I don’t see anyone on this site offering sex for money. The site would be shut down in a heartbeat if that was the case. You understand what sex is, right?
9 months

Feedee regret

The longer this post goes on, the clearer it is what the real issue is.

This isn't about fetish commodification. This is about feeling entitled to women and our bodies.

You see a woman, you want her to be your feedee girlfriend/wife. You approach her only to have your dreams dashed] upon the rocky shore of disappointment! Not only does she not want to be in a relationship, but she also wants money to indulge your fetishes! She might not even be into this kink!

Angered at it all, you fantasize about her body being "ruined" as karmic revenge.

You don't care all that much about the commodification of your kink. If you did, you be asking yourself what you can do to make FF more of a community and less of a marketplace.
9 months

Feedee regret

Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.

Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.
9 months

Feedee regret

Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.

Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.

I think people, especially in America but in other places too, are much more selfish and much more... stupid, than that (i have a theory of stupidity but its gonna be too much to write it here), and i mean that litteraly. Not to offend, these are just the words that describe what im trying to say. From their point of view they see they cant find a partner the way they expect or desire to. They then indentify this as a problem. Instantly, the ideological narative of individualism kicks in and puts it as "Its either my fault or their fault" which might already be false, and of course entitled people almost always automatically assume that "its not my fault" without ever giving it proper thought. And then they are angry at other individuals, like being mad at someone will fix any problem.

Also, one question i have about what you write, what is "valid enterprenuership"? Is there a kind of enterprenuership that is not valid?
9 months

Feedee regret

WOW nicely said.
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.

Yeah, that's shitty of them.
9 months
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