Fat experiences

Feedee regret

Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.

Well said! I just wish that feeders/feedists paid more attention to non-model fat bodies imo! There’s a whole bunch of us who are fat who need lovin too xD
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.

Isn't that just life, though? I know, big philosophical question, but every person place and thing is trying to sell you something, right? I'm trying to sell you something, check out my profile and buy an upgrade account to read my dirty book.

Your alternative, though, a site with no people asking you for money, would probably just be a site where nobody talked to you, because of your age. Would that be better? People who are on here to find a romantic partner are not looking for 73 year olds. There are websites specifically for older people to find romantic partners.

I'm also double confused, cause I've been on this site under different names since the very beginning and I've never-not-even-once been hit up for money. The whole thing is bizarre.
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.

Letters And Numbers:
Isn't that just life, though? I know, big philosophical question, but every person place and thing is trying to sell you something, right? I'm trying to sell you something, check out my profile and buy an upgrade account to read my dirty book.

Your alternative, though, a site with no people asking you for money, would probably just be a site where nobody talked to you, because of your age. Would that be better? People who are on here to find a romantic partner are not looking for 73 year olds. There are websites specifically for older people to find romantic partners.

I'm also double confused, cause I've been on this site under different names since the very beginning and I've never-not-even-once been hit up for money. The whole thing is bizarre.

It comes down to how gender roles work. Men are seen as inherently providers, and feeders are seen as a masculine role. So men in general will have people asking them for money - especially male feeders. However, feeders in general get asked for money too. I'm a woman, and I get the occasional ask/demand for money. Usually they backpedal once they realize I'm a woman too.

It's weird.

But yeah. Women like that have bought into the patriarchal lie that men are providers and women will be provided for so long as they satisfy male urges.

This is extremely dangerous because when they come across someone who subscribes to that ideology too, that person tends to be abusive. This is why such women tend not to stay very long in the community assuming they don't get banned.
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.

Letters And Numbers:
Isn't that just life, though? I know, big philosophical question, but every person place and thing is trying to sell you something, right? I'm trying to sell you something, check out my profile and buy an upgrade account to read my dirty book.

Your alternative, though, a site with no people asking you for money, would probably just be a site where nobody talked to you, because of your age. Would that be better? People who are on here to find a romantic partner are not looking for 73 year olds. There are websites specifically for older people to find romantic partners.

I'm also double confused, cause I've been on this site under different names since the very beginning and I've never-not-even-once been hit up for money. The whole thing is bizarre.

It comes down to how gender roles work. Men are seen as inherently providers, and feeders are seen as a masculine role. So men in general will have people asking them for money - especially male feeders. However, feeders in general get asked for money too. I'm a woman, and I get the occasional ask/demand for money. Usually they backpedal once they realize I'm a woman too.

It's weird.

But yeah. Women like that have bought into the patriarchal lie that men are providers and women will be provided for so long as they satisfy male urges.

This is extremely dangerous because when they come across someone who subscribes to that ideology too, that person tends to be abusive. This is why such women tend not to stay very long in the community assuming they don't get banned.

I think for as much as many of us will vociferously protest, many of us treat this site and this larger community as an extension of the pornography world. So while it might be a hangout spot just like a social club some of the time, it's a social club where people sneak off to masturbate constantly and they also like to talk about what they masturbate to and complain about things and then masturbate again. And I think this leads many people, men and women, buyers and sellers, to internalize that it's a series of transactional relationships.

I don't even know if that's so different from going to any other website, or any real bar or social club, except that people have lower inhibitions here and everyone is aware what everyone else wants to pay for. There are few secrets.

But if I was trying to meet someone IRL and get them to essentially gratify my fetish, I could use my charm and wit and good looks. That and paying them some money might get me what I'm looking for. And then there's Fantasy Feeder.
9 months

Feedee regret

Letters And Numbers:
I think for as much as many of us will vociferously protest, many of us treat this site and this larger community as an extension of the pornography world. So while it might be a hangout spot just like a social club some of the time, it's a social club where people sneak off to masturbate constantly and they also like to talk about what they masturbate to and complain about things and then masturbate again. And I think this leads many people, men and women, buyers and sellers, to internalize that it's a series of transactional relationships.

I don't even know if that's so different from going to any other website, or any real bar or social club, except that people have lower inhibitions here and everyone is aware what everyone else wants to pay for. There are few secrets.

But if I was trying to meet someone IRL and get them to essentially gratify my fetish, I could use my charm and wit and good looks. That and paying them some money might get me what I'm looking for. And then there's Fantasy Feeder.

Pretty much
9 months

Feedee regret

I would much rather the people who are online to make money have their own site. There's nothing worse than a feedee coming on to you like they like you, and then asks for money. Of course, with me being 73, I know anyone coming on to me is likely looking for money.

Its a very hard thing to do that because capitalism is sooo good at infultrating into new areas. Thats why in places they have explicit rules to prevent that. Yet that is trying to sail against the flow, and these rules are often bypassed.

The only way to trully stop that, i think, is by kind of brute forcing it. That requires an ideology, that the overwhelming magority of the users can and would have to subscribe to, and that ideology should be something like "Comercialization is bad, we shouldnt do or allow it here, in order to for this community to flourish, as a community!“

But thats not gonna happen...
9 months

Feedee regret

Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.

Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.

I think people, especially in America but in other places too, are much more selfish and much more... stupid, than that (i have a theory of stupidity but its gonna be too much to write it here), and i mean that litteraly. Not to offend, these are just the words that describe what im trying to say. From their point of view they see they cant find a partner the way they expect or desire to. They then indentify this as a problem. Instantly, the ideological narative of individualism kicks in and puts it as "Its either my fault or their fault" which might already be false, and of course entitled people almost always automatically assume that "its not my fault" without ever giving it proper thought. And then they are angry at other individuals, like being mad at someone will fix any problem.

Also, one question i have about what you write, what is "valid enterprenuership"? Is there a kind of enterprenuership that is not valid?

That's a good question, and honestly, I'm not entirely sure how to answer that. I think I'm pushing back against misconceptions that visual content creation somehow makes a person less authentic because they're "in it for the money". My point was that I applaud people who are able to monetize. It's just not what all overweight people on these sites are looking for.

I wasn't quite able to fully close the loop on that thought, but I hope that makes some sense.
9 months

Feedee regret

Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.

Agreed! I'd say that content creation is absolutely valid entrepreneurship, and I certainly respect people who are able to make it profitable. I think the danger is when people assume everyone on the site wants to put out content and is somehow not participating appropriately in the community if they are not doing so. As fat people, we don't exist for others' gratification. We exist as whole humans, all by ourselves, with the right to be active here and in any other space we choose in whatever way we choose.

I think people, especially in America but in other places too, are much more selfish and much more... stupid, than that (i have a theory of stupidity but its gonna be too much to write it here), and i mean that litteraly. Not to offend, these are just the words that describe what im trying to say. From their point of view they see they cant find a partner the way they expect or desire to. They then indentify this as a problem. Instantly, the ideological narative of individualism kicks in and puts it as "Its either my fault or their fault" which might already be false, and of course entitled people almost always automatically assume that "its not my fault" without ever giving it proper thought. And then they are angry at other individuals, like being mad at someone will fix any problem.

Also, one question i have about what you write, what is "valid enterprenuership"? Is there a kind of enterprenuership that is not valid?

That's a good question, and honestly, I'm not entirely sure how to answer that. I think I'm pushing back against misconceptions that visual content creation somehow makes a person less authentic because they're "in it for the money". My point was that I applaud people who are able to monetize. It's just not what all overweight people on these sites are looking for.

I wasn't quite able to fully close the loop on that thought, but I hope that makes some sense.

People usually judge from an idealistic point of view, which is useless and bizare, if not dangerous and destructive.
People want "The real thing" which is nothing more than an idea of what the real thing is. They compare actually real things with it and usually those fail the test. This is what happens with content creators. They are judged against the idea of pure, of "honest"... and even sexist if we're talking about female content creators, in terms of "The role of women is to please men" which is raised as an ideal, in that idea.

Then when they fail this, unreasonable, test people come up with all these negative. That they are selfish. Or that they are dishonest. This is a common trend across people who subscribe to individualism and are oblivious to its shortcomings.

A materialist analysis is what is actually helpfull here, but who is really going to sit down and think? People are either too tired from their daily lives, or too stupid, or both, to do that. So i shall try to put it as good as i can.

When someone that belongs to the working class (i.e. People who need to rent themselves to get a wage in return, which will allow them to survive) is trying to make content, in order to sell it, thats propably a means of survival. Not everytime, but most. This means that they cannot support the lifestyle they need to, in order to survive. In the US that means owning a car and paying a lot for fuel too, because otherwise you wont get around to the stores to buy food and stuff.

If the above is true, then the person who creates content will design the content so that it will service its goal, which is to sell. What that means is prioritizing the maximization of its exchnage value, above the use value or the real value (how much labor is required for it). Thats because prices in a market are the reflection of the exchnage value of comodities. Something having a high exhange value means more people want to pay more money, to get it.

What i just described, is comodification. It is caused by market dependency and the profit motive. Its the capitalist system's dynamic to commodify everything. By what ive suggested above, you can understand how genuine and honest creator makers are; the same as any capitalist is. That is they are pushed by social forces (demand) to behave in certain ways (supply the demand) and they have even less power than capitalists, because they dont own any significant means of production, which is one significant source of power. They could definetely do better, if they didnt need to comply with that very narrow line of comercialism but thats where we are.

And then there are people who only look at the symptoms and indentify
9 months

Feedee regret

I see a lot of posts on this site lamenting female feedees and gainers that don't have a fat kink. I am curious to know your thoughts on male feeders that don't have a fat fetish, but are looking for vulnerable women.

They are worse than human garbage, bordering on being truly evil. There are obligate predators, people like serial killers that are driven to do evil, but in the same way that I'm driven to eat chocolate or maybe someone with tourettes is driven to tick. As a society, we need to remove them, but their "evil" is overblown.

Then there are facultative predators and opportunists, people that do evil because they think it's fun and their bored or because it is moderately easier than something else (or, tbf, because they had it modelled for them by other people in their lives, friends, parents, etc.). People that intentionally cause pain and damage and are not "unwillingly" evil. Those people are truly among the worst humanity has to offer, imho, and I'd say the group you describe falls in that category.
9 months

Feedee regret

I see a lot of posts on this site lamenting female feedees and gainers that don't have a fat kink. I am curious to know your thoughts on male feeders that don't have a fat fetish, but are looking for vulnerable women.

They are worse than human garbage, bordering on being truly evil. There are obligate predators, people like serial killers that are driven to do evil, but in the same way that I'm driven to eat chocolate or maybe someone with tourettes is driven to tick. As a society, we need to remove them, but their "evil" is overblown.

Then there are facultative predators and opportunists, people that do evil because they think it's fun and their bored or because it is moderately easier than something else (or, tbf, because they had it modelled for them by other people in their lives, friends, parents, etc.). People that intentionally cause pain and damage and are not "unwillingly" evil. Those people are truly among the worst humanity has to offer, imho, and I'd say the group you describe falls in that category.

I uh.... I cant see the post youre replying to!

Also im curious, how do you mean "evil"?
9 months
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