Fat experiences

Bellies touching

It's definitely hot feeling bellies touching, even more so when both are stuffed tight heh
6 months

Bellies touching

Fat bellies touching is very erotic! Both my wife and I have big fat bellies and we definitely have to “work around” them for kissing and more exciting activities!
6 months

Bellies touching

I always found it very pleasant and arousing a sensation, even when thin with a smaller partner. That belly touch and rub when in bed, the gentle sensation of naked tummies brushing against one another, blissful. My partner now has a pretty decent soft tummy, which I always tell her is a very nice, cute, and pretty tummy. It feels so good to press up against, and now that my tummy is getting soft, it's even better. I'm looking forward to having even more tummy to rub against hers soon.
6 months

Bellies touching

My Lisa LOVES it when we mash bellies in bed. My little scrawny concave tummy and her gigantic girly gut. It makes her moan and almost cry. It's heaven for the both of us. She's become so fat it's the only thing she can really do; she's become immobile in lovemaking.
6 months

Bellies touching

When my wife was packing on the pounds and I finally realized after admiring my wife gaining that all of a sudden I was eating even more Ben n Jerry’s than here in the evenings when I never even had a sweet tooth before this directly following our massive fattening dinner. After realizing I had a decent size gut I put on from many months of engaging in this eating I started intentionally gaining and over the course of several more months put on a huge gut.

During this time I was quite aroused having this huge gut sticking out in front of me that I barely paid as much attention to my wife’s growing gut that kept a close pace with mine. It was the best feeling having my dress shorts straining at the seams almost blowing off buttons and when leaving for the office trying to go in for a kiss with my wife and out bellies bouncing us back with a struggle from our newly grown big guts. Then there was the lovemaking, missionary became difficult but an amazingly arousing struggle with our bellies getting in the way and have to move out of the way and shift causing the mere act to leave us both breathless even before the major act. Having such a big gut getting in the way struggling to get deeper penetration with my wife because of the huge beach ball gut I had packed on and hers following right behind is definitely the highest arousal for me that have felt within this fetish.
6 months

Bellies touching

Mmmmm I like this
6 months

Bellies touching

Is it weird to be into the idea of pregnant bellies touching fat bellies? Just something about the idea of it for me lately.
6 months

Bellies touching

Always wanted to cuddle with girl that has round, soft & heavy belly. Would be a dream come true.
3 months

Bellies touching

In bed with my partner this morning, I realized that when we lie face to face the first thing that touches is our bellies. I didn’t point that out to him because idk what his response would be but I thought it was really sexy

This is one of my favourite things. Especially as I've been gaining for almost a year now (72lbs). Our bellies touching in bed or when we hug is amazing and I love every time we do.
3 months

Bellies touching

In bed with my partner this morning, I realized that when we lie face to face the first thing that touches is our bellies. I didn’t point that out to him because idk what his response would be but I thought it was really sexy

a dream that will probably never come true
3 months
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