Feedback and suggestions


What has happened when you view a profile and get the message "no content"

It means their profile was locked. Why that happens can greatly depend. Usually, something in their profile broke TOS. But I am sure there are other situations.

Also, sometimes, they delete their profile just as you go to click on it. Very weird when it happens.
2 months


Hi Edddde,

Just as Munchies has said, when the message ' no content' appears it means that the profiles or content is not viewable. This can be because it has been temporarily removed by an admin or because it has been deleted by the user.

This is something we plan on updating as this does cause confusion for our members. as they believe its an issue with their account. For example rather than the error message saying 'No Content' when trying to view a profile that's been removed by admin. The message would say something like ' This profile is currently unavailable to view'.

I am just going to move this to the feedback and improvement forum as it is better placed there.

FF Team
2 months


Now when i look up active profiles I cannot see anything either
2 months


Now when i look up active profiles I cannot see anything either

I see what you mean.

Mind you, this is only happening to me on mobile. If I search on desktop, it's fine.

If you click on a profile or go to the profile page and click on a profile that's there, you can access the account just fine. But if you search it, there's no account to click on.
2 months