Extreme obesity

A dark wish

I really like the thought of a feeder who wants to transform me mentally into a severe food addict. E.g. a psychotherapist who is helping food addicts by day and helping feedees by night the opposite way. Using behavioral therapy and or hypnosis to first become an emotional eater, learning how to use loads of food to feel better. And finally turning me into the food addict they wanna see, unable to stop gaining ever.

Yeah! I love the brainwashing stuff. I want to be like tied up, force fed, and forcibly stimulated by sex toys and stuff while my feeder tells me how fat I need to get, how I’ll never be fat enough, how it’s going to be so hot when I’m too big to leave the house, etc, until I’m hopelessly addicted and can’t even look at food or my fat body without getting horny and desperate to gain even more.
6 months

A dark wish

When it comes to weight gain, I wish that a girl would want to fatten me up in secret until I can barely move. After a while, I end up getting force fed daily large amounts of food. At the end of all this, I become a helpless, massive, and immobile blob who has no hope in escaping. The idea just sounds amazing! 😍

What are you guys' dark weight gain wishes? I would love to know. 😊

An old thread but this is my exact fantasy. Starting a relationship with a girl who slowly pumps me with fat. Until I get so big I can't leave her and she knows it, and then I blimp.

Also my exact fantasy🤩🤩
2 months
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