Lifestyle tips

Should get the stomach bypass

I am thinking about getting the stomach bypass surgery. tell me some good reason not too!
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

Not medical advice.
But I do know someone who got it and regretted it. Basically food was her whole life and embodied everything she enjoyed. So obviously she was big. But contrast that with taking away someone's one source of joy and happiness - eating good food, which she couldn't do afterwards. Most foods she couldn't even tolerate anymore. And her hair started falling out because she wasn't getting protein and proper nutrients afterwards. She actually told me she regretted the surgery. Even though she lost weight and looked good. It was easier and happier just being fat.
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

wow. so she was happier fat. I hear that too. how big was she?
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

Definitely look up the long term success rates of bariatric surgeries. They’re not great. Many barely lose at all, and many more lose and then regain all or most of it later with added health complications. The failure rate on the table is also pretty scary. Leaving kink and lifestyle completely off the topic, it’s a risky surgery with no guarantee of desired results.
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

It’s a ghastly “surgery” that essentially removes part of your stomach, I for one enjoy having my organs in my body personally. I can’t think of a positive unless there was a life threatening thing going on, simply being fat is not in and of itself symptomatic of anything.
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

Well I think there are very few reasons to do it smiley

I would only consider it if u have already lost weight and are really determined to lose the weight du to a serious health issue !

In any other case I would say lose the weight with out surgery !
If u want to lose the weight …
Witch I think isn’t really the case smiley
Since u are here and u dipped you toe in the feederism water.
If it turns u on to Suff and get fatter then I would suggest channel this in more cotrowled ways !
Eat healthy move to some Sport etc.
keep the weight while taking care of you health
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

Well I think there are very few reasons to do it smiley

I would only consider it if u have already lost weight and are really determined to lose the weight du to a serious health issue !

In any other case I would say lose the weight with out surgery !
If u want to lose the weight …
Witch I think isn’t really the case smiley
Since u are here and u dipped you toe in the feederism water.
If it turns u on to Suff and get fatter then I would suggest channel this in more cotrowled ways !
Eat healthy move to some Sport etc.
keep the weight while taking care of you health

Honestly, this is the most senible post in this thread.

I find the whole "give me reasons not to get a bypass" thing irresponsible. Whether or not OP gets the surgery is immaterial. Instead, the issue is scaring off other people from getting a bypass.

Gastic bypasses aren't for everyone. There are a lot of ways getting it can change how you live your life. However, some people find the to be helpful, even life changing.

I know several people who have gotten the procedure. While there are some that regretted it, most are glad they got it. It is an individual choice.
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

My wife’s cousin — who was once about 400 pounds — had the surgery maybe a decade ago and it indeed led to many complications and side effects. The plus for her was that she regained some mobility, but the minus was that she couldn’t really eat normally anymore. It became a mystery as to what would irritate her intestines. She was re-hospitalized more than once.

It’s your body, and I’m all about a woman controlling her own body — but I will say you might end up coming to the same conclusion a few other posters have. It might be easier and more relaxing to just be “a little bit fat” instead of a “whole lot screwed.”
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

I am thinking about getting the stomach bypass surgery. tell me some good reason not too!

I'm not a medical professional but my brother actually got a gastric bypass last year so I know a few things.

Although he has lost a lot of weight he found that a lot of foods actually make him sick now and he has to avoid some of his previously favourite foods.

He has to avoid certain vegetables and was told he needs to take vitamins daily as his body can't digest them any longer as well as sticking to a high protein diet with minimal red meat.

I'm not sure if it is the same everywhere (my brother went to a private clinic in the UK) but he also had to stick to a liquid shake diet for a month before the surgery to prove he was able to lose some weight before they would operate and he said it was awful.

However as it's already been mentioned it's worth considering the risks and benefits and deciding if it's right for you.
5 months

Should get the stomach bypass

Do you know what food irritated her intestine?
5 months
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