
Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Some people who are gaining say they have a "goal weight" which they plan to reach and then presumably stop gaining. Was wondering if anybody reached their goal weight and found they couldn't stop gaining? Seems like this could easily happen for the following reasons:

1. You would still have the same appetite that you cultivated to gain weight in the first place.

2. You would be somewhat fatter, so it would be harder to exercise and harder to motivate yourself to exercise.

3. Eating everything you want is fun and denying yourself isn't.
15 years

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

It sure as hell has happened to me....when I was 14 i discovered the gainer community and at the time i was already a porky 180 at only 5'6" at the beginning of 8th grade...when i found the gainer community, i knew i wanted to be fatter. I set a goal that i wanted to achieve by the end of the summer. I wanted to be 210 by the start of high school. By the time summer came around i was already 200 and i knew that with nothing to do all summer i would be bigger than 210. When high school started, i was a very large freshman at 220 pounds although i grew 3 inches so i didnt look as fat but i was still pretty big. Needless to say, Im still gaining
15 years

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Some people who are gaining say they have a "goal weight" which they plan to reach and then presumably stop gaining. Was wondering if anybody reached their goal weight and found they couldn't stop gaining? Seems like this could easily happen for the following reasons:

1. You would still have the same appetite that you cultivated to gain weight in the first place.

2. You would be somewhat fatter, so it would be harder to exercise and harder to motivate yourself to exercise.

3. Eating everything you want is fun and denying yourself isn't.

4. The horny part of getting fatter is extremely addictive!
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

It’s addicting for sure. It’s all I think about. Gained so much weight lately it’s scary yet awesome
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

When I started gaining I felt like I knew I wanted to be 200lbs. It was a major goal for me, but when I reached it I didn't feel big at all.
Once I realised that the actual number doesn't necessarily mean as much to me as the physical milestones of being fat, I started setting more specific tangible goals. But each time I've reached one, I've enjoyed the moment and then set my next goal higher.
I don't see these goals as an endpoint. They're just the next step on the ladder.
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

I have no hard data, but it seems to me that the people most likely to go out of control are those who stuff to the point where they can't take a deep breath once a week or more.

Stuffing like that develops their appetite so much that they keep gaining, even if they stop stuffing like that.

So if you're worried about going out of control, don't stuff to that point very often.

Of course, for some, getting that full is a big part of the fun. One woman I talked to stuffs to that point three times a week and feels like it would be a betrayal of the fetish to eat any less. She is very fat but has no regrets.
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

I have no hard data, but it seems to me that the people most likely to go out of control are those who stuff to the point where they can't take a deep breath once a week or more

I am confusion do you mean that in the literal sense or the figurative sense
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

I have no hard data, but it seems to me that the people most likely to go out of control are those who stuff to the point where they can't take a deep breath once a week or more

Morbidly A Beast:
I am confusion do you mean that in the literal sense or the figurative sense

Extreme feeder here. This is an actual thing people do. I've stuffed my feedees and playmates to this point many times. Mind you I prefer masochistic feedees to general gluttons. My partner loves it when I stuff him until he can hardly breathe and is pinned to the bed with how stuffed he is.

Not everyone stuffs to that point because they are masochists. Some are legitimately that greedy. Others have a more competitive mindset and want to push their capacity.

You can come back from this, but it's hard. You need the desire to stop as well as having a good support system.
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Why am i into that...? 🤣
2 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

I have no hard data, but it seems to me that the people most likely to go out of control are those who stuff to the point where they can't take a deep breath once a week or more

Morbidly A Beast:
I am confusion do you mean that in the literal sense or the figurative sense

Extreme feeder here. This is an actual thing people do. I've stuffed my feedees and playmates to this point many times. Mind you I prefer masochistic feedees to general gluttons. My partner loves it when I stuff him until he can hardly breathe and is pinned to the bed with how stuffed he is.

Not everyone stuffs to that point because they are masochists. Some are legitimately that greedy. Others have a more competitive mindset and want to push their capacity.

You can come back from this, but it's hard. You need the desire to stop as well as having a good support system.

So literally to full to take a deep breathe because there’s no room or cause he’s just eaten lol. I can’t take as deep breaths as I’d like but I’m not stuffed all the time pretty close but not all the time lol
2 months
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