Fat experiences

Who was thin and got fat

Fatman 76 don't worry about what others say.
So many come and go and the bad ones always seem to vanish.
Stick around and make some friends.

Back to the original topic and I am surprised there haven't been more posts in this thread.
Can't believe it was a year ago I posted in this thread.
A year ago I was 400 lbs approx and I have put on 45 lbs since then. Wasn't trying to gain it just happened. I tend to eat a lot sometimes LOL.
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

Yeah, I agree. When 140 and overeating I only got a belly bump at 165. Sure I went from size 32 to 36. But was small and not much blubber in sight. But was proud of my lil beginnings.
It was interesting to notice that my usual amount of food eating had increased.
Oddly I noticed after going hiking one day I didn't need to eat and drank water. Thinking this would cause weight loss. When I got home I ate.Dont know how much. But not a lot. But the next few days I got hungrier and ate to satisfy it.
Then I felt like I ought to have a pigout party, it's Friday!
It was at that time that I just felt like eating, and eating...Went to bed stuffed.
The next morning my metabolism had me waking up sweating. I washed up, but walking I felt a heavy belly.
Thought I was stuffed, but then having I had another bowl of cereal and noticed the difference in my energy afterwards watching cartoons. My belly hurt. I weighed a couple pounds more than when I hiked. I relaxed most of the day. Nibbled a lil. Mom ssaw me making a pb&j sandwich and said we'll be eating soon.
When it came time to eat I wasn't really hungry, but mom's a good cook. And if it taste, and smells good, you will eat it. I forgot how I felt and finished my plate. Feeling pretty satisfied sat in the living room for TV.
Point is, that week, I grew my belly. Made me realize feeling full, is just a feeling, which can be overcome by smell of something good cooking. Instead of wishing I could eat more, I wanted to eat more. And I did eat more than before. And likewise grew into a new calorie plateau. Before I knew it. Two weeks went by and my stretch pants got tighter, having to untie the knot. Ahh ha success! I may not understand it. But then I figured, burning off some sugar, from hiking, will make you tired. Being tired will make you eat and hopefully overeat a few days. Now your on a new calorie intake level and I began to think I new how to gain weight.
What I didn't know, was how fat I could be someday. But also knew I could lose the weight by just reversing this process.
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

Fatman 76 don't worry about what others say.
So many come and go and the bad ones always seem to vanish.
Stick around and make some friends.

Back to the original topic and I am surprised there haven't been more posts in this thread.
Can't believe it was a year ago I posted in this thread.
A year ago I was 400 lbs approx and I have put on 45 lbs since then. Wasn't trying to gain it just happened. I tend to eat a lot sometimes LOL.

I was a vain slim wouldbe rock'n'roller, when I discovered FAT!
Women getting fat. Found it a turn on. In time tables started turning! 🤔
Found my self first padding and going out. Being seen as a fatty.
And then..... I started gaining a bit. Now occasionally do huge messy bloatings.
Strange world!
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

I wish this was me.

My crush only likes BBW and I've been trying to gain for months.

I'm currently 114lbs and the most I've ever been is 115.5lbs. I get full so easily and lose my appetite. Idk how you guys do it.

I was similarly thin when I was your age. I’d say don’t worry, your metabolism is probably very fast now but won’t be forever. If you’re in this lifestyle for a long time, odds are there will be a moment where it starts to work for you. Around 30 I started blowing up significantly almost instantly.
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

For most of my life, I was always really skinny guy between about 130 and 145 and then I got sick a couple years ago. I was bedridden for about a year and a half and just ballooned up and over a 2 1/half years span I don’t know up to about 215 pounds, and I don’t have a problem with it.
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

Im starting now! In march was 120lb, now i have 140lb starting get chunky
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

Former fit girl turned powerlifter turned obese pig 👀
message me girl let's talk about your obesity in that big flabby stomach of yours
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

I have always been a 'normal' bmi throughout childhood and most of my adulthood. At 5ft 5 I was between 125-135lbs. I used to hover and yoyo and one day I hovered up to 145lbs and my set point went up and I started hovering between 145-155lbs, still a 'normal' weight for my height.

Then it happened again and I went up to 165lbs.

After that we didn't have a scale in the house but I knew I was around 165-175lbs now, people used to tell me to ''be careful'' because I was verging on becoming overweight.

This carried on for some months till I was at my parents, saw the scale in their bathroom and decided to check. It said 194lbs!!!

That switched a crazy button in me. I had gained 20lbs or more, just like that, and suddenly I got very horny and wanted more. I over-ate. Daily. Yes this continued for some weeks. I stuffed myself during meals. Made sure to sneak at least an extra 1000 or 2000 calories daily, binged on chocolate bars, poured olive oil in all my food, ate ice-cream like there was no tomorrow. I felt my fat padding increasing nearly daily! I liked the feeling! I said I'll just do this till I get to 200lbs since I was so close anyway now. But we still didn't have a scale.
So I was at my parents' again, and decided to weigh myself. Imagine the look on my face when I saw a brand new scale - I asked mum and she said because the old one was broken and was marking like 20lbs over!!!!!!
Meaning when it said 194 I had only still been 174lbs........
Anyway I checked myself on their new scale.
Today I'm 192lbs - my highest ever recorded weight and still rising!
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

I used to run five days a week at least 5k if not 10k. I had a good runners body with abs. I decided to take a break and eat what I wanted and not run for two weeks. That was five months ago….
3 months

Who was thin and got fat

Was a fit 165.

Weighed in at 223 at the doctors office this weekend.
3 months