
What made you give in?

There seems to be a lot of topics about people struggling with giving in to the desire of gaining. For those of you that did give in, how did it happen?
2 months

What made you give in?

My previous feedee confided that she was no longer willing to gain, and that she didn't want to be fat anymore. I respected her and loved her too much to argue, and it's her body, her right. It then moved from no longer wanting to gain into a self-criticism every time I touched her belly or ass because she said it reminded her of how fat she felt.

So... in the absence of having a willing feedee, I started feeding myself.

And I found I liked it.

And I found that I was as good at feeding me as I was with others. The weight came slowly at first, but my feeder game is pretty solid. Before long, I was getting a belly and everything started feeling soft.

It's somewhat of a split persona and I'm cool with it - it's a self-fulfilling cycle of stuffing myself to get off, getting fatter and getting turned on by it, which only serves to further flame my desire to keep going.
2 months

What made you give in?

I’ve always wanted to gain weight but I’ve been nervous that I wouldn’t like it.
I ended up moving out on my own and started eating lots of junk food and fast food for meals and snacks along with drinking regularly with my roommates/partners. Pretty quickly I put on ten pounds and instead of wanting to lose it like I was worried would happen the weight only made my desire to gain stronger. Ever since then I’ve been giving into all of my cravings without shame to see if nature will take its course, and so far it has! Another ten pounds later and I’m still just as hungry for more 😵‍💫
Another factor that lead to giving into my desire to gain was not having anybody else in my life to feed but myself, I’d been feeling sexually frustrated in that regard up until these past few months.
2 months

What made you give in?

I’ve always had a “weight problem”. I always gained easily and lost slowly. Because I like fat guys I decided to stop fighting my body and just let it do what it wants… gain fat.

I’m not at my heaviest but I’m at my fastest. I was an amateur powerlifter. I’m losing muscle and gaining fat since I stopped working out.

When I was gaining about 10 years ago I had a hard ball belly. As I’m getting older I’m developing soft blubbery fat, the kind I really like.

I’m seeing this accumulating on my moobs and even under my chin and my neck. I’m going further down the rabbit hole as I’m calling it. So to answer the question, it’s seeing the growing fat that’s making me want more.
2 months