Fat experiences

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

Just throwing this out there because I cant stop thinking about.

Recently i just got an interview for job and the last time I had job was 9 months ago.Over that time ive gained around 30 pounds and i currently weight 320.I didn't notice much of a weight difference until now when i sat down on someone elses chair and aside from my own.

I met the owner of company at his office and was told to take a seat.As soon as even tried to get into thr chair,I could already tell this chair is way to small for me since my thighs were way too thick for the chair and was bending the rest handles of the chair a little bit.So i just squeezed into the chair very quickly so that the owner didn't notice since he was looking away.I could already tell this chair was fighting for its life and was almost at the point of collapsing since it creaked a lot at the slightest movements.I just had to keep cool and pray the chair didint break but luckily the owner just had me in his office for 5 minutes before he started to show me around the place.

I guess the reason I'm throwing this out there is because this is the first time this has happened to me and it really shows how far ive come since the beginning of my weight gain journey.

On top of the fact I have no one to share this with irl smiley

Heres hoping that I break my first chair due to my weight soon,just praying its not infront of other people or my own furniture lol
3 months

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

As a side note, I don’t think you breaking the chair would have costed you the job you were interviewing for, if anything they probably profusely apologize, it might have been embarrassing or awkward but chances are things would have gone exactly as they did without it breaking.

Idk not for nothing I haven’t broken a office chair just by sitting in it once I’ve worn stuff out but there hasn’t been a moment where I just snapped something under my own weight cept a toliet seat once and a box spring matress but I think it’s less of a concern than people make it out to be, unless I’ve just gotten lucky *knock on wood
3 months

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

Glad that it worked out okay and that you didn't break it - it would admittedly be an awkward time to experience something like that for the first time.

I hope you got the job if it was the right fit (no pun intended - lol) for you!

It's also a good reminder of how weight gain and weight in general can impact your employment experiences! While weight should never be a factor in employment if the candidate can perform all duties of the job - I know that fat discrimination exists all over the workforce. Anyone who hasn't previously experienced fat bias needs to understand how weight gain potentially presents a challenge from a quality of life and from an employment perspective.
3 months

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

Glad that it worked out okay and that you didn't break it - it would admittedly be an awkward time to experience something like that for the first time.

I hope you got the job if it was the right fit (no pun intended - lol) for you!

It's also a good reminder of how weight gain and weight in general can impact your employment experiences! While weight should never be a factor in employment if the candidate can perform all duties of the job - I know that fat discrimination exists all over the workforce. Anyone who hasn't previously experienced fat bias needs to understand how weight gain potentially presents a challenge from a quality of life and from an employment perspective.

Luckily I did get the job thanks for asking.About the point of weight gain affecting your employment,ive definitely kept that under consideration which is why my goal weight is 350 since I feel lime anything after that would begin to severely limit my mobility for basic things on top of me having a very active lifestyle.
3 months

My recent weight gain almost screwed over my job interview

Just throwing this out there because I cant stop thinking about.

Recently i just got an interview for job and the last time I had job was 9 months ago.Over that time ive gained around 30 pounds and i currently weight 320.I didn't notice much of a weight difference until now when i sat down on someone elses chair and aside from my own.

I met the owner of company at his office and was told to take a seat.As soon as even tried to get into thr chair,I could already tell this chair is way to small for me since my thighs were way too thick for the chair and was bending the rest handles of the chair a little bit.So i just squeezed into the chair very quickly so that the owner didn't notice since he was looking away.I could already tell this chair was fighting for its life and was almost at the point of collapsing since it creaked a lot at the slightest movements.I just had to keep cool and pray the chair didint break but luckily the owner just had me in his office for 5 minutes before he started to show me around the place.

I guess the reason I'm throwing this out there is because this is the first time this has happened to me and it really shows how far ive come since the beginning of my weight gain journey.

On top of the fact I have no one to share this with irl smiley

Heres hoping that I break my first chair due to my weight soon,just praying its not infront of other people or my own furniture lol

Almost doesn’t count 😅 but I familiar with this feeling in my job, my thighs has widened considerably and I started to feel the chair hands with my hips. It got me curious about my weight gain journey, because soon enough I would not be able even to squeeze myself into those chairs 👀
3 months