
What's the fastest you've gained weight?

Oh, that's pretty good. Are you still gaining that fast lol.

Nope. you cant drink cake shakes every day for a long period of time, but you can use it as a nitro button for your weigth gain

How do you make a cake shake please?
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

It's a regain, but after about a week and a half I went from 170 to 180. Just weighed myself this morning. The next ten pounds definitely won't come as easily haha
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

36 kg in between 5 to 6 months
that's very sexy you've gained 80 pounds in about 6 months I love your beautiful belly and you look absolutely beautiful
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

Last year, at the height of my gain and extreme stuffing, I managed to put on around 10 pounds a week. It's not for everyone, but it sure was fun.

How many calories a day were you eating? Jw

At the most extreme, at least 12,000 calories each day for about two months. Eventually, there were some significant health consequences, and it wasn't sustainable, but I did enjoy it while it lasted.
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

I gained about 10 pounds in a 3 month time span but most of that was in a few short weeks. I was drinking 250 calories ice teas constantly and then devoring an entire tune of licorice. This certainly had the desire effect but the fetsih subside some and this certainly was not a healthy way of gaining weight. It mde a big difference because for the first time was actually overweight and looked it. After this gain I gained abelly. I could feel the fat now underneath my arms and my legs would now touch each other. The fetish is not really about weight gain per se but the feeling of having your body transformed into something soft and squishy and that you can jiggle.
6 months
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