Feedback and suggestions

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

like srs there a ton of way to stop bots

Im sick of fake feeder and feeder getting scammed by fake feedee

I met so many feeders talk about being scammed it hurts and pull people out of the kink

You take massive cuts from paid content yet you have not fixed stuff.

Over the years I told you guys a few ways prove better stuff like user ranks more wider sharing of the verified role and really simple UI UX design changes and being able to see the age and activity of accounts

I know hosting a video platform is so damn costly but there you need fix this it.

this social media 101
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

Going to add to this. The same scammers keep creating profiles with the same socials. The IP address of these users all track back to Lagos, Nigeria. Even when they use a VPN, I am still able to figure this out.

They will use pictures that they sourced from the internet. If anyone sends you a photo, run it through a reverse image search or check the file name. These will give you hints of where the pictures come from.

The scammers will not attempt to get to know you at all. They will jump right into asking you for money. They are not your friend.

Here is a list of Discord names to avoid:


Do not give money to strangers. It is really easy to become someone else on Internet with the right tools.

Do not become a victim.
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

Going to add to this. The same scammers keep creating profiles with the same socials. The IP address of these users all track back to Lagos, Nigeria. Even when they use a VPN, I am still able to figure this out.

They will use pictures that they sourced from the internet. If anyone sends you a photo, run it through a reverse image search or check the file name. These will give you hints of where the pictures come from.

The scammers will not attempt to get to know you at all. They will jump right into asking you for money. They are not your friend.

Here is a list of Discord names to avoid:


Do not give money to strangers. It is really easy to become someone else on Internet with the right tools.

Do not become a victim.

It's not just that the moderation team of this forum seem to not be spending time and efforts to try and stop these scams

What is the direct intentions of letting me scammers run around the place is it because in reality FF is mostly a ghost town and if you're a move all the bots there is very few people

If that is a yes then remove these goddambots already so that the servers and community can fill with good people so we don't have to be spammed with a million Nigerian bots and fake accounts

Even if it is simple as every time your profile picture or username is being rendered on the HTML a hard-coded verified or warning unverified appears next to your account and the other major thing is to have ranks that say how regular of an ff user you are

Giving users the tools to immediately verify invalidate users and to tell when somebody make an account two weeks ago or is actually active on this site

Seriously hiccup you're destroying your site without it leaving it as a desolate pit that is the prime example of the Dead internet theory at least on a small community like this you have the ability to that stuff and you have full control over the websites functions unlike services like discord or telegram where people are constrained within the generalised platform

Give us the tools to protect ourselves and protect new users and old users
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

Going to add to this. The same scammers keep creating profiles with the same socials. The IP address of these users all track back to Lagos, Nigeria. Even when they use a VPN, I am still able to figure this out.

They will use pictures that they sourced from the internet. If anyone sends you a photo, run it through a reverse image search or check the file name. These will give you hints of where the pictures come from.

The scammers will not attempt to get to know you at all. They will jump right into asking you for money. They are not your friend.

Here is a list of Discord names to avoid:


Do not give money to strangers. It is really easy to become someone else on Internet with the right tools.

Do not become a victim.

It's not just that the moderation team of this forum seem to not be spending time and efforts to try and stop these scams

What is the direct intentions of letting me scammers run around the place is it because in reality FF is mostly a ghost town and if you're a move all the bots there is very few people

If that is a yes then remove these goddambots already so that the servers and community can fill with good people so we don't have to be spammed with a million Nigerian bots and fake accounts

Even if it is simple as every time your profile picture or username is being rendered on the HTML a hard-coded verified or warning unverified appears next to your account and the other major thing is to have ranks that say how regular of an ff user you are

Giving users the tools to immediately verify invalidate users and to tell when somebody make an account two weeks ago or is actually active on this site

Seriously hiccup you're destroying your site without it leaving it as a desolate pit that is the prime example of the Dead internet theory at least on a small community like this you have the ability to that stuff and you have full control over the websites functions unlike services like discord or telegram where people are constrained within the generalised platform

Give us the tools to protect ourselves and protect new users and old users

I think those are some good practical suggestions. I'm sure there will be some more feedback soon.
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

It's not just that the moderation team of this forum seem to not be spending time and efforts to try and stop these scams

What is the direct intentions of letting me scammers run around the place is it because in reality FF is mostly a ghost town and if you're a move all the bots there is very few people

If that is a yes then remove these goddambots already so that the servers and community can fill with good people so we don't have to be spammed with a million Nigerian bots and fake accounts

Even if it is simple as every time your profile picture or username is being rendered on the HTML a hard-coded verified or warning unverified appears next to your account and the other major thing is to have ranks that say how regular of an ff user you are

Giving users the tools to immediately verify invalidate users and to tell when somebody make an account two weeks ago or is actually active on this site

Seriously hiccup you're destroying your site without it leaving it as a desolate pit that is the prime example of the Dead internet theory at least on a small community like this you have the ability to that stuff and you have full control over the websites functions unlike services like discord or telegram where people are constrained within the generalised platform

Give us the tools to protect ourselves and protect new users and old users

Thanks for bring this up and for your suggestions. May of these tools we have already, although I appreciate that they could be improved. For instance, a member's profile will show when they joined the site and how often they log in. We also have the verified member feature.

We have numerous checks on registration, including whether the registering user is using a VPN or datacenter, also whether their country of origin matches other information such as their browser time zone and language.

The mods work incredibly hard at keeping spanners and troll of the site. Fomr a quick count up of the last three days is see they've made:

10th May - 7 IP bans
9th May - 4 IP bans
8th May - 7 IP bans

This doesn't include all the warnings and suspensions given.

The problem we have is the same as for all similar social websites, that it's a balancing act between having a free and easy sign up, and keeping trolls off. For example, we could go down the route of multi-factor authentication, where we send a code to your phone which you need to type in in order to sign up. However, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't go down well with members who value their privacy when coming to a site like this.

Anyway, I take your point and we will continue to develop new ways of keeping out scammers and trolls.
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

It's not just that the moderation team of this forum seem to not be spending time and efforts to try and stop these scams

What is the direct intentions of letting me scammers run around the place is it because in reality FF is mostly a ghost town and if you're a move all the bots there is very few people

If that is a yes then remove these goddambots already so that the servers and community can fill with good people so we don't have to be spammed with a million Nigerian bots and fake accounts

Even if it is simple as every time your profile picture or username is being rendered on the HTML a hard-coded verified or warning unverified appears next to your account and the other major thing is to have ranks that say how regular of an ff user you are

Giving users the tools to immediately verify invalidate users and to tell when somebody make an account two weeks ago or is actually active on this site

Seriously hiccup you're destroying your site without it leaving it as a desolate pit that is the prime example of the Dead internet theory at least on a small community like this you have the ability to that stuff and you have full control over the websites functions unlike services like discord or telegram where people are constrained within the generalised platform

Give us the tools to protect ourselves and protect new users and old users

Thanks for bring this up and for your suggestions. May of these tools we have already, although I appreciate that they could be improved. For instance, a member's profile will show when they joined the site and how often they log in. We also have the verified member feature.

We have numerous checks on registration, including whether the registering user is using a VPN or datacenter, also whether their country of origin matches other information such as their browser time zone and language.

The mods work incredibly hard at keeping spanners and troll of the site. Fomr a quick count up of the last three days is see they've made:

10th May - 7 IP bans
9th May - 4 IP bans
8th May - 7 IP bans

This doesn't include all the warnings and suspensions given.

The problem we have is the same as for all similar social websites, that it's a balancing act between having a free and easy sign up, and keeping trolls off. For example, we could go down the route of multi-factor authentication, where we send a code to your phone which you need to type in in order to sign up. However, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't go down well with members who value their privacy when coming to a site like this.

Anyway, I take your point and we will continue to develop new ways of keeping out scammers and trolls.

yes i know we have verification and profile age how ever you need to dig and look on ther profile to see them you cant see them in the chat room you have few way to check and vet a person

in the messge listing it a struggle to open a profile with out risking clicking on a user name and opening the PM.

following this feeder feedee ads should only able to be seen reply and post by vetted users

give me and hour and ill draw some mock ups.

it should olny need a few small HTML edits
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

there a ton of UX space for this

people will whine about it but it becasue they are new accounts

but for a site where belly and fat content and sharing of how it done and looking for feeding it will add a massive anti spam barrier as it takes a quick look see some is sus or not

im sorry for being harsh to the admin team but this simple yet important things for safety

added an example for for the chat room
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection

The check mark is a nice idea. I’ve been verified for a while, but you wouldn’t know unless you went into my profile, and at least personally, I feel like the feature that lets you know when people have looked at your profile dissuades me from checking profiles as often as I could? Sometimes I think it’s weird when people look at mine, so why wouldn’t the same be true the other way? Maybe it’s a me thing. But there’s important info that’s only in the profile, including verification status.
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection


there a ton of UX space for this

people will whine about it but it becasue they are new accounts

but for a site where belly and fat content and sharing of how it done and looking for feeding it will add a massive anti spam barrier as it takes a quick look see some is sus or not

im sorry for being harsh to the admin team but this simple yet important things for safety

added an example for for the chat room

Completely agree. I wouldn't be surprised if majority of active users are scammers/bots. You see blank profiles showing up daily and filling chat like a swarm.

dont forget snooper data miner and such


Letters And Numbers:
The check mark is a nice idea. I’ve been verified for a while, but you wouldn’t know unless you went into my profile, and at least personally, I feel like the feature that lets you know when people have looked at your profile dissuades me from checking profiles as often as I could? Sometimes I think it’s weird when people look at mine, so why wouldn’t the same be true the other way? Maybe it’s a me thing. But there’s important info that’s only in the profile, including verification status.

yeah this is pretty key the faster user can filter new and old users the better

the counter effect tho is new users do get a little bit of hazing tho as they are push away with out more staus.

also for the long term way having a hidden sub channels for vetted people will allow for scamers to be locked out while some of the site will still be open this also applies to the chat room as well by added a verfited chat room.

follow this for video creator we should be able to hide and filter images we post from non verified.

the scam and smap iusses are just gettign worst and worst.

since some people dont like hoop of getting vetted i think there should be a few more ways to verify

by post activity (slow) my buying membership (costly) or by ID checks(invasive)

all these system will require scamers to give money or waste months to years of time posting and being active.

if the admin team is poking around i can offer more ideas


Going to add to this. The same scammers keep creating profiles with the same socials. The IP address of these users all track back to Lagos, Nigeria. Even when they use a VPN, I am still able to figure this out.

They will use pictures that they sourced from the internet. If anyone sends you a photo, run it through a reverse image search or check the file name. These will give you hints of where the pictures come from.

The scammers will not attempt to get to know you at all. They will jump right into asking you for money. They are not your friend.

Here is a list of Discord names to avoid:


Do not give money to strangers. It is really easy to become someone else on Internet with the right tools.

Do not become a victim.

follwing the VPN thing if you black list IP block own and ran by VPNs as well data center IP block you kill most VPN services narrowing them down alos make use of GEO ip to check location

also using browser fingerprinting as part of the IP banns and check if they VPN


unvetted but here a list of IPs that you use to reject user using VPNs
1 month

Can we get better bot and scamer protection


Thank you for creating the mock up's and for sharing your ideas on improving the site and chat experience by combatting the issue of scammers and spambots.

This is always an ongoing issue and as hiccupx has said we do have lots of tools in place to help counter this, but it is always an ongoing battle, we make changes then spambots find a way around it, then we update... and so on.

We already use browser fingerprinting methods to identify bots and scammers who are signing up again after being banned. But as always things are never 100% perfect and can always be improved.

I can assure you that most suggestions you have for the site, are already implemented or on our to do list. Unfortunately its just a matter of time to improve or add new features.

In the meantime the admin team work hard checking profiles daily to identity spammers that have got through, any that are missed are usually picked up by users issuing abuse reports that also get checked daily and these profiles are removed asap from the site for the safety of all users.

Again, just want to thank you for your input, suggestions and mockups, all very helpful. We do take this seriously, and don't want spambots to overrun our site, so it is something we will continue to look at and improve.

FF Team
1 month
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