Fat experiences

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I have no idea when, but I have suspicions. Ultimately, I have always been attracted to fat in some way shape or form. Whether it was myself or a partner for as long as I can remember.
1 month

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

As a child I was a bit of a glutton, and I wasn't particularly active. Needless to say I gained weight, and this got my dad's attention. On many occasions he would tell me to stop eating so much or to be more active, or my belly would grow.

That was at least the first spark.

I can relate so hard. I was a very fat kid and a "healthy eater". Once everyone stopped finding me cute, I got put on a diet... with limited success as I'd still spend holidays at my grandparents, and they let me eat whatever, and let me sneak sweets on the side even though they said they shouldn't and my mother wouldn't like it. Anyway, I usually came home with a bigger tummy than when I left, and then got put on a strict diet.

But one year I must have gained more than usual or maybe just seeing me stick out my belly unexpectedly did it - anyway, my mother had come to pick me up, and I'd just run up to use the bathroom after lunch before we drove home...

I've always loved feeling full and I had a habit of petting my big round tummy. although I was self-conscious enough at that point to only do it when no one was looking. So like I said, I came out the bathroom upstairs, thinking everyone was downstairs. I was feeling nice and full and round so I had my shirt tucked up under my chin still and was sticking out my naked tum and rubbing it with both hands and admiring how round and soft it felt...

...when i heard my mother cry: "Heavens how on earth did you get such a huge gut!" She'd come up to see what was taking me so long and I hadn't noticed...

Then she made me show my gran, lift up my shirt again and all, and said: "Would you just look at that big belly? Do you realize how FAT it is?"

She must have been completely shocked because she usually avoided calling me fat under any circumstances, she knew all the euphemisms in the book. I got a very long speech about how worried she was about me, and if there was a reason why I was eating so much on the ride home, and I was soooooooo embarrassed all I did was try and hide my tummy with my arms and suck it in, I could barely listen to her.

Well that did it. Ever since I've been both embarrassed but also insanely turned on by my fat tummy. Not even getting fat all over or gaining - really just feeling how big and round my belly is, and eating - overeating - to make it even bigger and rounder.

Like, nothing triggers the urge to gorge as much as feeling a bit bloated or noticing my tummy is a bit bigger than usual. And even when I see another fatty with a nice sexy belly, I want to feel mine, rub it, poke it, and fill it up till it hurts.
1 month

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I can totally relate to family freaking out about my weight. I definitely felt their disappointment and perhaps embarrassment of me. It hurts to write this but it is definitely therapeutic. I discuss things like this with my counselor and it has helped me heal. I really did not have the parents that I needed but at the end of the day we can't rely on external validation from people

I'm glad you found a way to heal. Family can be cruel. For myself though, I was def a loved and spoilt and happy child, albeit a rather fat one... I might be embarrassed by my fat gut, but I also find it sexy as hell lol. Lucky for me, because I also like eating and filling up way too much to ever lose it again
1 month

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

The totally spies episode where they got fat was one of them… The invader Zim where he gets fat… The family guy episode where he feeds Lois and she gets fat…

I am not sure if that Family Guy episode ruined my life or made me sexually interesting.
1 month

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I remember when I was maybe 7 or 8, thinking about it & expressing it to a neighbor girl at the time. It went to the next level at 13 & some of the different sites I looked at. Then came to the realization that bigger/fat women were & are extremely beautiful & are my preference. It went to another level when I met my wife & it has really took off once I got more comfortable talking to her about it. I love being big/fat myself & wouldn't trade it.
2 days
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