Fat experiences

Wedge pillow

Recently I've been waking up sore. When I get up, my back isn't been happy with me, but about 10-15 minutes later, I'm fine.

I've been a side sleeper my entire life and that isn't about to change. I used to toss and turn a lot, but since I started to use a CPAP machine (even when I was thinner), I don't turn at all and get a great sleep.

I don't know 100%, but I think that because my belly has expanded a lot, it's pulling my torso down and out of alignment and causing of my sore back.

I remember when my wife was pregnant she had a wedge pillow and it seemed to help her and wonder if it would work for me.

We don't have the pillow anymore so last night I stuffed a folded pair of pj pants under my belly. That seems to have worked.

Has anybody used a wedge pillow for this reason? Should I get one? It would probably be more comfortable than pants.
3 months

Wedge pillow

When was the last time you and your wife got a new bed? Might be time to replace the old one.

Other than that there’s the simple matter of your belly putting strain on your back just how like women have strain on there backs when they have large boobs. Might be worth talking to a dr or something
3 months

Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
When was the last time you and your wife got a new bed? Might be time to replace the old one.

Other than that there’s the simple matter of your belly putting strain on your back just how like women have strain on there backs when they have large boobs. Might be worth talking to a dr or something

Funny enough we got a new mattress last fall. But that was 30+ pounds ago.

I don't feel the strain walking or anything, just when waking up in the morning and its gone shortly thereafter. If it got to that point, I'd probably see a doctor about it.

However, we know their recommendation would be to lose weight hahaha.
3 months

Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
When was the last time you and your wife got a new bed? Might be time to replace the old one.

Other than that there’s the simple matter of your belly putting strain on your back just how like women have strain on there backs when they have large boobs. Might be worth talking to a dr or something

Side sleeping when you have unique body shapes is always a pain. I've got big boobs and my waist is about 11 inches smaller than my hips. As such, I sleep in a nest of pillows and blankets.

It looks ridiculous, but I can't get good sleep otherwise.

That said, in a pinch, a blanket can provide decent enough support. You just have to manipulate it to support your various contours.
3 months

Wedge pillow

I sleep with my belly stretching towards the heavens sorry yall can’t sleep like that or have a tough time falling asleep I’m out the second I touch the pillow most of the time
3 months

Wedge pillow

Funny enough we got a new mattress last fall. But that was 30+ pounds ago.

I don't feel the strain walking or anything, just when waking up in the morning and its gone shortly thereafter. If it got to that point, I'd probably see a doctor about it.

However, we know their recommendation would be to lose weight hahaha.

Yeah to me it just sounds like overweight/obese + age aches if they go away like that. I get them too but I’m a lot bigger and younger but I’ve worked manual labor for the last 10ish years tends to do a number on your back
3 months

Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
I sleep with my belly stretching towards the heavens sorry yall can’t sleep like that or have a tough time falling asleep I’m out the second I touch the pillow most of the time

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

That said, I generally don't struggle to go to sleep. I have a bedtime routine that varies depending on the day's events. If I do the thing, I'm asleep within minutes.
3 months

Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
I sleep with my belly stretching towards the heavens sorry yall can’t sleep like that or have a tough time falling asleep I’m out the second I touch the pillow most of the time

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

That said, I generally don't struggle to go to sleep. I have a bedtime routine that varies depending on the day's events. If I do the thing, I'm asleep within minutes.

When I had the sleep test for sleep apnea, the technician asked if sleeping on my side was regular. It is. As far as I can remember, I've slept on my side. I've tried on my back, I just can't do it.

Since starting the CPAP machine, I don't need to toss and turn all night...meaning I'm staying on the same side for 7ish hours each night.
3 months

Wedge pillow

Morbidly A Beast:
I sleep with my belly stretching towards the heavens sorry yall can’t sleep like that or have a tough time falling asleep I’m out the second I touch the pillow most of the time

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

That said, I generally don't struggle to go to sleep. I have a bedtime routine that varies depending on the day's events. If I do the thing, I'm asleep within minutes.

When I had the sleep test for sleep apnea, the technician asked if sleeping on my side was regular. It is. As far as I can remember, I've slept on my side. I've tried on my back, I just can't do it.

Since starting the CPAP machine, I don't need to toss and turn all night...meaning I'm staying on the same side for 7ish hours each night.

Suffering upon suffering.

Well, the good news is with the proper support, you'll sleep better.
3 months

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke. [/quote]

YIKES! That sounds terrifying!
3 months
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